Es bueno que ustedes _______sus maletas para el viaje hoy, en vez de esperar. hagan hacen


Answer 1


Es bueno que ustedes hacen sus maletas para el viaje hoy, en vez de esperar.


Hagan is the past tense or future tense for "do it". For example, "Querio que me hagan ese trabajo en la tarde", which mean, "I want you guys to do that job for me in the afternoon". It could be used to explain what you want multiple people or objects to do.

Hacen is the present tense for "doing". For example, "Me hacen el pelo" which means "They're doing my hair" Its generally used to explain what two or more people or objects do to you. It can also be used to explain what two or more people are doing in the moment or in the present.

Hace is also a present tense for "doing" For example. "Ella me hace el pelo", which means, "She is doing my hair". It is usually used to explain what one object or person is doing to you.

Haga is also used in the past or future tense for "do this/that". For example, "Yo le dije a ella que me haga esto asi," which means, "I told her to do this like this". It could be used as a suggestion/order to someone or something.

Hope this helped - Maria

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Which word is the plural form of el borrador?


For this case we have the following object:

El borrador

We observe that the expression is in the singular because we refer to a single object.

We want to write this expression in plural. Therefore, we want to refer to more than just one object.

The expression in Spanish for the plural of this object is:

Los borradores


the plural form of el borrador is:

Los borradores

The plural form would be borradores.

Choose the sentence that uses subjective form.- Cuando salgas de la escuela iremos al parque.
- Me gusta distraerme en el parque.





the first sentence..

Manolo _______ ve. (yo)


The correct answer is

Manolo me ve.(yo)

*Hope this helps
Manolo tu ve. (yo) the correct answer is (tu)

Nosotros___frecuentemente al cine. (ir) (in a past tense) (1 point)



The right conjugation of the verb "ir" in past tense that applies for the sentence is:

  • Íbamos.

- Nosotros íbamos frecuentemente al cine.


The translation of the sentence in the answer is:

- We frequently went to the movies.

There are two types of past common in Spanish, the simple preterite and the imperfect preterite, the conjugation of the verb "ir" in the two forms is presented below:

Personal pronoun Simple preterite/Imperfect preterite.

  • Yo fui/iba.
  • fuiste/ibas.
  • Él fue/iba.
  • Ella fue/iba.
  • Ello fue/iba.
  • Nosotros fuimos/íbamos.
  • Ellos fueron/iban.

How you can see, there are two conjugations forms that apply for the personal pronoun "nosotros", but because the verb "fuimos" it is not usually used with the word "frecuentemente", the correct option is "íbamos".

the answer is " fuimos"

¿Comerías la comida tradicional de Nicaragua? (sí)


I will eat some of it, not every thing

Afeitarse arreglarse (el pelo)

cepillarse (los dientes)
cortarse el pelo
despertarse (e ➜ ie)
lavarse (la cara)
pedir prestado, -a (a)
pintarse (las uñas)
vestirse (e ➜ i)
to talk about things you need to get ready
el agua de colonia
el cepillo
el cinturón
el desodorante
la ducha
el gel
las joyas (de oro, de plata)
los labios
el maquillaje
el peine
el pelo
el salón de belleza,
el secador
la toalla
las uñas
to talk about a special event
la audición
la boda
la cita
el concurso
un evento especial
to talk about how you feel
entusiasmado, -a
nervioso, -a
tranquilo, -a



I am able to tell you but just use google translate so it would be much rapido.