Explain the contradiction Colvin introduces when she discusses how war reporting has changed. Submit your answer in a 5-10 sentence response. Cite evidence from the text.


Answer 1


the only way to get accurate information is to go there and see what is happening


From the statement "But war reporting is still essentially the same - someone has to go there and see what is happening." The contradiction Colvin uses is that even with the use of technology such as satellite phone, camera and so on, the only way to get accurate information is to go there and see what is happening, and then report the news in TV, blogs or twitter. You cannot get information without going to those places.

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The correct answer is B. The book, torn and ripped nearly to shreds, was now worthless.

The phrase torn and ripped nearly to shreds is a participial phrase, and it is functioning as an adjective, describing the noun the book. Participles can be used as either adverbs (when they are describing verbs), or adjectives (when they are describing nouns, which is the case here).

A is incorrect because working hard is a gerund, not participle. C is incorrect because who participated in the Olympics is a clause, not participle. D is incorrect because there isn't even a participle there.

The correct answer should be B. The book, torn and ripped nearly to shreds, was now worthless.

The participial phrase is "torn and ripped nearly to shreds". Although something similar occurs in C, C is actually a clause because it has a verb, unlike B where the verbs are actually adjectives.

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"d. 20th Century: to make" would be the definition of render most likely suited for this line, since in this case the scientist is putting Frankenstein together and making him functional. 

Answer: D.  20th Century: to make.

Explanation: In the given line from "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley we can see how the speaker (Dr. Frankenstein) is describing his creation, how ugly it was and how he was able to move. In this lines the definition of "render" that is most likely suited is the one from the 20th century: to make. When we replace this definition in the sentence, it makes perfect sense: "..when those muscles and joints were made capable of motion.."

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B. An illegal action
C. A popular action
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A.A united action

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Preamble : document :: A.
index : book

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overture : opera

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The answer is 
C. overture : opera

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What might an envious charcter do


a envious character will get even
The definition of envy is jealousy or covetousness.Being discontent or resentful because of what someone has.

That added word resentful adds a slightly heavier tone than jealousy because like covetous person you are most likely willing to take steps to take what you want from someone so that they get harmed/hurt or are deprived of something they want or need.You didn't list any options with your question so in general:
an envious character will do anything from kill a loved one of the person they envy, sleep with their wife, steal money,cars,heirlooms all so the person they envy is deprived. They may even try to destroy that persons quality of life or livelihood. Basically any action that takes something away from the object of their envy. Hope that helps.