Which condition must be true for a nation to exist?


Answer 1

Answer choices are:

a. All of the people must speak the same language.

b. A single religion must unify the citizens of the country.

c. At least a million people must live within the borders of the country.

d. The country must be sovereign and handle its own affairs.


Correct answer choice is:

D. The country must be sovereign and handle its own affairs.



For a nation to exist, there are certain criteria that must be fulfilled. It includes the minimum number of population, specific land boundaries, the sovereignty of the nation. There must be alike characteristics in Culture (ritual, architecture, raiment. etc.

A sovereign state is, in international law, a nonphysical juridical existence that is interpreted by one centralized power that has sovereignty over a geographic territory. The global law describes sovereign states as having a stable community, settled territory, one administration, and the potential to access into associations with other sovereign states. It is also commonly conjectured that a sovereign state is not reliant on nor controlled to any other authority or state.

Answer 2
Answer: The answer would be
the country must be free to exercise sovereignty in handling its own affairs
Hope this helps!!

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Setting up a meeting with your teacher will not present an opportunity to find out what types of questions will be on an essay test.



the answer is false



False props to the guy above me
