Eight people who suffer from sinus infections volunteer to test a new medication that will relieve symptoms. The names of the volunteers are . . 1. Amanda . 2. Scott . 3. Tessa . 4. Jon . 5. Elizabeth . 6. Kevin . 7. Robin . 8. Mike . . Four of the volunteers will receive the new medication, while the other four will receive a placebo as part of a double blind experiment. Starting at the left of the list of random numbers below and reading from left to right, assign four people to be given the medication. . . 20742 05310 65921 01652 75532 95621 12097 . Who are the four people assigned ?


Answer 1
Answer: the easiest way to do this is by ignoring the 0, a nine, or those that has been used before and assign the four other numbers

So the answer would be : 
- Scott
- Robin
- Jon
- Elizabeth

Hope this helps
Answer 2


Use the first numbers to assign the treatment to the individuals.


The names of the individuals are:

1. Amanda: 20742

2. Scott: 05310

3. Tessa: 65921    

4. Jon: 01652

5. Elizabeth: 75532  

6. Kevin: 95621  

7. Robin: 12097

8. Mike: (no number assigned)

I am assuming that the numbers that are random and are given to them in the order seen.  First, remove all the persons that have a zero or 9 in front and no number assigned to their names . That leaves 20742 , 65921, 75532, 12097.

The four individuals would be Amanda, Tessa, Elizabeth and Kevin.

There are other ways to do this randomized selection, that also involves eliminating the numbers with zeros and those that have been used in the same numbers.    

It can also be done by using the first two digits, also eliminating the zero and assigning the numbers from lowest to highest alphabetically in ascending or descending  order.

Four volunteers will always be chosen based on any of these methods.


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A trench is a narrow ditch, or  depression so also it's not a plain

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Final answer:

Substrate-level phosphorylation is the process of ATP production via the direct transfer of a phosphate group from a phosphate-containing molecule to ADP, which primarily occurs during the breakdown of glucose.


The production of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) by direct transfer of a phosphate group from a phosphate-containing molecule to ADP (Adenosine Diphosphate) is called substrate-level phosphorylation. This reaction generally occurs during the breakdown of glucose in catabolic pathways, where a phosphate group is removed from an intermediate reactant and the free energy of the reaction is used to add a third phosphate to an ADP molecule, thus producing ATP. It is a direct method of ATP regeneration and differs from the other form, oxidative phosphorylation, which involves the use of an electron transport chain and chemiosmosis.

Learn more about Substrate-level phosphorylation here:



What is lactic acid?


It's something your muscles produce during intense exercising and it give you a burning sensation
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Matching.1. Water:
2. Where almost all weather occurs:
3. Where the ozone layer is located:
4. The highest altitude:
5. “Middle layer” of atmosphere:
a. hydrosphere
b. troposphere
c. mesosphere
d. stratosphere
e. thermosphere


(D) Stratosphere where all of the 5 items matched. It is where the ozone layer is located; on its lower portion. It is also where altitude is the highest because of the ozone's absorption of the sun's ultraviolet radiation. It is the "middle layer" of the atmosphere.