Two pink-flowering plants are crossed. The offspring percentages are 25% red, 25% white and 50% pink.What are the genotypes of the offspring?
A. 25% homozygous dominant, 25% homozygous recessive, 50% heterozygous
B. all homozygous dominant
C. all homozygous recessive
D. 75% heterozygous, 25% homozygous dominant


Answer 1
Answer: "25% homozygous dominant, 25% homozygous recessive, 50% heterozygous" is the one among the following choices given in the question are the genotypes of the offspring. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the first option or option "A". I hope it helps you.
Answer 2


a. is the answer


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Which of the following correctly describes a Lewis dot diagram for carbon?C with two dots on either side of the CC with three dots on the left side of the C and one on the right of the CC with one dot on the right side of the C and three dots on the left side of the CC with one dot on each of the four sides of the CWhich of the following correctly describes a Lewis dot diagram for carbon?C with two dots on either side of the CC with three dots on the left side of the C and one on the right of the CC with one dot on the right side of the C and three dots on the left side of the CC with one dot on each of the four sides of the C@Biology

What is the name given to cell division in eukaryotes


There are two kinds of cell division in Eukaryotes:  Mitosis where both cells are identical and Meiosis where the child cell has less chromosomes than the parent.
The name of the given cell division in eukaryotes cell is meiosis and mitosis. Thy both work together to make sure the system works well. If their is a problem with the cell division, these cells become paralyzed.

Which two microscopes generate three-dimensional images? scanning electron microscope and scanning tunneling microscope transmission electron microscope and scanning electron microscope scanning tunneling microscope and transmission electron microscope compound light microscope and scanning electron microscope.


The correct answer is scanning electron microscope and scanning tunneling microscope.  

The SEM refers to a kind of electron microscope, which generates three-dimensional images of a specimen by scanning the surface with a focused beam of electrons. The electrons associated with the atoms in the specimen, generating different signals, which comprise data regarding the composition of the specimen and the surface topography.  

An STM refers to an apparatus for imaging three-dimensional image surfaces at the atomic level. In this, good resolution is regarded to be 0.01 nm depth resolution and 0.1 nm lateral resolution.  

The STM can be utilized not only in a high-ultra vacuum but also in water, air, and numerous other gas or liquid ambient, and the temperatures spanning from 1000 degree Celsius to zero Kelvin.  

Its scanning electron microscope and scanning tunneling microscope

What enables Dna to have so many variations with only 4 chemicals?



Different combinations between these four set of chemicals


There can be billions of combinations between the four chemicals of DNA. The four set of chemicals i.e nucleotide (generally referred to as bases) namely -  

A- Adenine  

T- Thymine  

C - Cytosine  

G - Guanine

These nucleotide form codon i.e set of three nucleotide and form chain structure which can be long up to any extent.  

Codon example - ATC TGA

Thus, variation in combination of four nucleotide and ability to form long chain of codon allows DNA to have several forms and variations

Even though DNA only has 4 nitrogenous bases there can be variety of combinations for DNA.  One difference in combination would mean a different DNA strand. 

A cell of an organism has four chromosomes. It undergoes a process at the end of which two daughter cells are produced. Each daughter cell has four chromosomes. Which process is described?



and meiosis are simply cell division processes that occurs differently, they're characteristically divergent from each other according to their function and structure. Mitosis is the cell division that happens in all cells in the human body except sperm and egg cells. They produce diploid cells. Meiosis on the other hand is responsible for the cell division of the gametes, spermatogenesis (sperm cells) and oogenesis (egg cells), such haploid cells. 

Only 0.001% of water on Earth is present as soil moisture. In the water cycle, which of the following can happen to this water next?


When the question says "the following", it means "the list of choices that
I'm about to give you".  Then you look at the list and pick the right one or
the best one.

Nobody else can answer the question without seeing the list of choices,
For that matter, neither can you.

A swim bladder is a gas-filled sac that helps fish maintain buoyancy. the evolution of the swim bladder from lungs of an ancestral fish is an example of __________.


exaptation - when a limb evolves and takes on a new function