If all other factors are equal, what is likely to happen to the supply of a product if the price goes up? Why? Explain.


Answer 1
Answer: If all other factors are equal, supply will reduce as the prices go up.  

Why would this be the case?  As prices go up, demand for the product will go down, because some purchasers will not be able to afford the product.  As demand goes down, then also suppliers will reduce their production of that product.

In economics, the law of demand asserts that the higher the price of something, the less people will demand that thing.  The law of supply asserts that producers will supply more a product when it is selling at a higher price and are less motivated to produce quantities of the product when it is selling at low prices. 
Answer 2
Answer: Assuming all other factors are equal, the supply will increase if the price goes up. It is because less people would want to buy the product. This will make the demand lower. Merchants will get a higher revenue if they create more supply with a higher price.

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"B. The Byzantine Emperor asked Europeans for help against the Seljuk Turks" was not a reason for the start of the Crusades, since the main conflict was between Christians and Muslims. 

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The correct answer for this question is this one: "C. They believed in white supremacy." The criticism that did Tillman direct at Conservatives is that they believe in white supremacy. Benjamin Tillman was a South Carolina governor. He was also a senator who championed populist policies and promoted racial discrimination and violence.

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When writing these entries describing the Japanese advance across Asia and the Pacific during 1941 and 1942 make sure to mention the brutality the came as a result of this movement. 

Final answer:

During 1941 and 1942, the Japanese Empire launched attacks across Asia and the Pacific. They seized territories such as Guam, Wake Island, Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines, and threatened Australia.


The Japanese Empire, which was seeking to increase its standing in the world and side with the Allies, launched attacks on various territories throughout East Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific. By February 1942, Japan had seized Guam, Wake Island, Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines, and was threatening Australia.

However, the tide turned in the months of May and June of that year, with the Allies winning the Battle of Coral Sea and the Battle of Midway, marking the first Japanese naval defeat in centuries. The United States then invaded Guadalcanal and New Guinea, gradually pushing back the Japanese forces.

Learn more about Japanese Advance across Asia and the Pacific during World War II here:



Which of the these represents a major difference between the three muslim early modern empires?a.the ottoman and mughal empires were primarily sunni while the safavid was shia.

b.only the ottomans were interested in a commercial relationship with others.

c.only the mughal empire contained a substantial number of non-muslims.

d.the ottomans did not have a substantial bureaucracy?


The answer is A. The Ottoman and Mughal Empires were primarily Sunni while the Safavid was Shia.

A long-term effect of the election of 1800 was new duties for the vice president. the decline of the federalist party. an increase in john adams’s power. stricter laws about campaigning.


The correct answer that would best complete the given statement above would be the second option. A long-term effect of the election of 1800 was the decline of the federalist party. During the election of 1800, marked the first time that one party had replaced another in power in the United States. Hope this answer helps. 

A long-term effect of the election of 1800 was a decline in the federalist party. Thus, option B is correct.

What is the result of the election of 1800?

The election of 1800 was considered a revolutionary election that will bring tremendous changes in the growth and development of America due to the transfer of authority from one party to another.

The result of the election stated that Jefferson was elected as president and Burr was elected as vice president. Dissatisfaction with the result caused Burr to challenge Hamilton to a Conflict. Burr got succeeded in the battle, but his political career came to an end.

Therefore, the option B decline of the federalist party is the effect of the election of 1800.

Learn more about the election of 1800, here:



Which of the following describes the nonfiction writer's purpose?Persuade
All of the above


In general, the purpose of a nonfiction writer is to "inform", although of course it is quite possible for such a writer to entertain at the same time, since information can often be quite entertaining.