Johnson’s administration established the Department of Housing and Urban Development in order to assist which group?Select one of the options below as your answer: A. low income families B. African American children C. immigrants D. industrial workers


Answer 1
Answer: A. low income families

The department provides housing assistance to low-income families, especially those who are homeless.
Answer 2
Answer: Johnson’s administration established the Department of Housing and Urban Development in order to assist: (A. Low Income Families)

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When did the Enola Gay drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan?a. May, 24, 1942b. April 19, 1944c. August 6, 1945d. September 3, 1947
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In which economic system does the governmentmake most major decisions about what to produce,
how much to produce, and for whom the goods
and services will be produced?
(1) traditional (3) command
(2) mixed (4) market


The economic system in which the government make the major decisions about what to produce, how much to produce, and for whom the goods and services will be produced is : MARKET economic system.
This system usually imposed on communist country, in which their people basically don't have the freedom to choose their job

What was the impact of the sense of group identity created by the Harlem Renaissance?a. It ended discrimination against blacks in America.
b. It formed a basis for later progress for blacks in America.
c. It aided in the migration of blacks to the North.
d. It enabled African Americans to form their own nation.


One of the impacts of the sense of group identity created by the Harlem Renaissance was that "c. It aided in the migration of blacks to the North," since many African Americans saw more opportunities for themselves in the North.

What issue did the students for a democratic society (sds) focus on by 1964


The issue on which the students for a democratic society (sds) focused on by 1964 initially was changing the Cod War policies of the government. By the year 1964 the students started protesting against the war. They wanted the country to end the war and peace to come to the country. I hope this helps.

the antiwar movement

The Delian League provided city-states with security, but lessened independence.a. True
b. False


The answer is true.

In 477 BC, the Delian League was founded by around 150 – 330 numbers of Greek City-States. The league is under the leadership of the Athens. Its main purpose is to continue fighting the Persian Empire. Shortly after, the Athens began to use the League’s navy for its own purposes.

Why did the framers of the Constitution include the amendment process?


The main reason the Founding Fathers wanted there to be amendments in the Constitution is because they knew that times would change, and that the country needed a Constitution that could "adapt" to modern times while maintaining the core values of the original nation. 


A) They wanted to provide a way to change the Constitution as the country changed.


_______ of the US Constitution states that the document is the supreme law of the land.a:article 1
b:article 2
c:article 3
d:article 4



Article VI


Article VI establishes to the Constitution, the laws adopted and treaties of the United States concluded in accordance with it, as the supreme law throughout the national territory, and that "the judges of all the states will be bound by it, regardless of of anything that the laws or the constitutions of the states establish to the contrary ". It also validates the national debt created under the articles of the confederation and requires that all legislators, federal officials, and judges swear or affirm "support" the Constitution. This means that the constitutions and laws of the states should not be in conflict with the laws of the federal Constitution; In case of conflict, state judges are legally bound to abide by federal laws and the Constitution above those of any state.

Article VI builds the Constitution, adopted laws and the United States treaties settled following it, as the supreme law in all national territories. The document is the land’s supreme law because it is listed in the "Supremacy Clause".



Article VI, which forbids religious tests for officeholders, also negotiate with public debts and the supremacy of the Constitution, citing the document: “the supreme Law of the Land; …any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.”

Usually referred to as a supremacy clause, this article states that when state law conflicts with federal law, federal law must succeed. Due to the many federal and state laws, many of which discuss the similar same or topics, there are numerous lawsuits which state that state laws conflict with federal laws and are thus invalid. In these lawsuits, the Supreme Court commonly looks at whether Congress has built a national regulatory system and if so, the states cannot regulate it.

The court also observes if state law directly intervenes with or contravened federal law. In all these circumstances, the supremacy clause confirms that federal law predates priority over, or seizes, state law. The priority of federal power over the state powers is called the " doctrine of preemption."

Article VI also stipulates that federal and state officials—including judges and legislators—must comply with the U.S. Constitution (state officials must obey the constitutions and laws of their own states as well). To safeguard religious freedom, this article confirms that no public bureaucrat is required to pledge or practice loyalty to a certain religion.  



If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, we recommend you to also take a look at the following questions:

• According to Article VI the supreme law of the land is?

• The supremacy clause, stipulated in article vi of the constitution, holds that?

KEYWORDS : Article VI, Supreme Law of the Land, constitution, federal state

Subject  : History

Class  : 10-12

Sub-Chapter : Supreme Law of the Land