Which stage is the dominant stage in gymnosperms?


Answer 1
Gymnosperm is  kind of a trachaeophyte, among angiosperms which are flower-bearing plants. Tracheophytes or generally ascular plants has the dominant stage on diploid generation in which the sporophyte comprises the main plant.
Answer 2
Answer: Tha dominate stage in gymnosperms is the "sporophyte stage". Plants such as vascular plants, which are non-flowering, which can reproduce by cones would be an example of the gymnosperm. These non-flowering vascular plants will reproduce sexually, like human.

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Receptors that provide animals with information from the external environment are located in the:

  1. ears
  2. skin
  3. tongue
  4. eyes
  5. nose

These receptors are known as sensory receptors as they perceive the changes that occur in the external environment and transmit the information to the nervous system.

The name of these receptors located in the respective organ is as follows :

1. Ear - auditory receptor

2. Skin - mechano (cutaneous) receptors

3. tongue - taste receptors

4. eyes -  Photoreceptors

5. nose - olfactory receptors

An example of how it detects the changes in the external environment can be understood as follows :

The substances that have odor produce chemicals known as odorants which bind to the olfactory receptors located in the nose which then produces electric signals which are transmitted via the nerves to the olfactorybulb in the brain and the smell is detected.








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Smog damages everything but plants.
a. True
b. False


The answer is b. False.

Smog is named for the mixture of smoke and fog. It is an air pollutant. It is able to affect human health and environment, as well. Smog affects plant by inhibiting photosynthesis which leads to reduced growth, reproduction, and survival of the plants. It can make them more susceptible to disease or to cause drying out.

false smog affects plants

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Scientific Name of Touch-Me-Not Plant is Mimosa Pudica.

The Touch-Me-Not Plant behaves like this because of stimuli. It responds to our sense of touch and curls up.
The scientific name of touch me not is mimosa pudica. When we touch the leaves of touch me not it folds its leaves just as the name suggests it does not want anyone to touch it

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In everyday use, theory is used to mean a guess or idea about how something works. In science we would call that a hypothesis not a theory. A scientific theory is a well sustained proposal or explanation based on facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through experiments and observations. To sum up, a theory in the real world is basically a guess, and a theory in the science world is a well though out plan that has been tested and a more intact thought.

Which term describes body structures in different organisms that have different outward appearances but develop from the same embryonic tissues?A) analogous
B) homologous
C) remedial
D) vestigial



The correct answer would be B) homologous.

Homologous organs refer to the set of organs which have different appearance and function but share common anatomy due to common ancestry.

For example, the forearm of human, forelimb of the horse, wing of a bat, wings of birds, and seal's flipper share common underlying anatomy.  They are made up of same sets of bones (humerus, radius, ulna, carpels, metacarpals, and phalanges).

These organs are adapted to perform different functions in an environment.

It is also observed that these organs developed in the same manner in the embryo and from similar origins.

The answer is B) Homologous