Who controlled South Vietnam after Diem's Overthrow?a) Ho Chi Minh
b) Duong Van Minh
c) Pham Van Dong
d) Vo Nguyen Giap


Answer 1
Answer: b) Duong Van Minh

Duong Van Minh was the general who led the overthrow of Diem and was rewarded with leadership. 

A Buddhist leader took the leadership position of Premier but real government power fell to Minh was a military leader. The new government received US approval if they promised to maintain a democratic government and not a dictatorship. Minh would later be overthrown because he could not create stability in the South Vietnamese government. 

Answer 2
Answer: "Duong Van Minh" is the one among the following choices given in the question that controlled South Vietnam after Diem's Overthrow. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the second option or option "b". I hope the answer has come to your desired help.

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