What is the result of an uncontrolled chain reactiona small explosion
a small implosion
a large explosion
a large implosion


Answer 1

A chain reaction is a nuclear reaction that occurs when sufficient unstable nuclei are present so that when one splits (decays), its products hit other unstable nuclei, causing them to decay and initiating a chain reaction.

If this reaction goes uncontrolled, a massive explosion occurs. Such a reaction is the type that went uncontrolled when nuclear bombs were dropped over Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II. A chain reaction is much like dominoes all in a row; when one goes down, they all go down in order. The only way to block the chain reaction is to pull out a domino or to block the fall so the "chain" is broken.

The amount of fissionable material needed to accomplish a spontaneous chain reaction is called the critical mass. The critical mass for U-235 is about 1 kg. This explosive fission process takes place quickly, and an incredible amount of energy is released when it occurs.

So it would be C.

Answer 2

the answer for this is c

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17. not sure
18. not sure
19. movement of rock from one place to another
20. deposition
21. Urbanization
22. sedimentary
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25. fracture
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Asexual organisms, as compared to sexual organisms, tend to be smaller, have shorter life spans, and produce little or no genetic variability between generations. This makes it harder for an individual asexual organism to survive and reproduce. What is one advantage that asexual organisms have that helps them to overcome these disadvantages?They never need to sleep.
A They are able to find food easier.
B They have higher reproductive rates.
C They use energy more efficiently.


Answer: B They have higher reproductive rates.

Asexual reproduction is a mode of reproduction, which takes place in simple organisms. This mode of reproduction does not require the formation of gametes by the living organisms. The offsprings produced are usually larger in number as compared to those produced in the sexual mode of reproduction. The offsprings are genetically identical to the parent organisms.

Although, the life span of the asexually reproducing organisms is low, and the organisms produced are typically shorter than the sexually reproducing organisms. But, they have higher reproductive rates than sexually reproducing organisms. This because of the fact that these organisms are simple. They do not require to form or develop sex cells like sexually reproducing organisms. They just require favorable environment conditions to develop a new organism. For example, budding in yeast, the bud develops as an outgrowth on mother yest cell, which detaches in maturity and germinate to form new yeast organism.

They have higher reproductive rates and therefore the young have more of a chnce of surviving