Which does plug-and-play refer to?A.
the ability to use a computer without it being plugged in (like a laptop)

the ability to use one device such as a monitor on more than one computer

the ability for the operating system to automatically detect and configure a device (like a camera)


Answer 1
Answer: the answer is c the ability for the os to detect

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By default, text is _____ in a cellA.) left-aligned
b.) centered
C.) justified
D.) right-aligned


To answer this question, I am assuming you are talking about a table in a word document or a spreadsheet. The answer is A - left-aligned. 

For text to be centred, justified or right-aligned, the user needs to highlight the cell and set one of these options manually. You cannot set the text in a single cell to be left-aligned, centered and right-aligned at the same time. All three are mutually exclusive which means text can only be set to any one of the three justifications. 

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This is called Cryptography

A trusted system is a system that can be expected to meet user requirements for reliability, security, and effectiveness because of what? a) Frequent updates b) Regular maintenance c) Built-in redundancies d) Vendor support


c) Built-in redundancies

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The keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Z is used to undo your last action.
The Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Z is just the Undo command.

While there are hundreds of different operating systems, there are only three basic categories, which are... Option 1: Proprietary, open-source, and embedded Option 2: Windows, macOS, and Linux Option 3: Mobile, desktop, and server Option 4: Unix, Linux, and Android



1: Proprietary, open-source, and embedded


To begin with, 'Windows, macOS and Linux' aren't categories. They're names (and also specific examples of operating systems). Technically Option 3 is also correct, but it's not as 'technical' as Option 1. Option 4 is just completely wrong, Linux is based off of Unix, and Android is based off of Linux. Again, those aren't categories.

Now onto the full explanation:

Windows is an operating system made by Microsoft, macOS is made by Apple, and Linux was originally created by Linus Torvalds.

A good tie-in between the explanation of Option 1 and 2 is that, Windows and MacOS are proprietary (owned by a person or company, the code is not publicly shared), and Linux is open-source (the general public can contribute code, albeit within reason).

Embedded operating systems aren't common-place in commercial desktop computers, but in offices generally there are plenty of them. Coffee machines run on embedded operating systems (although a fair few actually run off Linux surprisingly), printers run on embedded operating systems, and essentially the Internet of Things as a collective run on embedded operating systems.