small concentrations of acid left in a system from a prior problem can very quickly accelerate the formation of additional acid.this acid formation is further accelerate if _ is present in the system


Answer 1



This acid formation is further accelerate if CATALYST is present in the system.


Catalysts are compounds that are introduced into a chemical system or reaction in order to accelerate the progress of a reaction and the catalyst itself is not consumed.

Catalysts accelerate reactions by actually reducing the energy of the rate-limiting transition state and it does not affect the equilibrium state of the reaction.  

Common examples of catalysts are acid catalysts and enzymes.

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As a rule, raptors, or birds of prey, are among the most admired and adored birds in the world. From the California condor to the snowy owl, few birds compare to the tigers of the air: the great hunters whose beauty and skill have inspired art and literature for centuries. The most glorious feathers of the peacock or the vibrant plumage of a bunting cannot compete with the power of a peregrine falcon or the determination of an osprey. Included in this group of hunters, however, is one bird of prey that is little known but equally impressive. The kites of the world are generally smaller than most raptors, but just as astonishing in skill and grace as any other hunter of the skies.Most people think of paper or cloth structures flown with string from the ground when the word 'kite' is used. In addition to these popular toys, kite can also refer to a type of raptor. Kites have a small head, a short beak and long narrow wings and tail. Kites can be found all over the world in mostly warm regions. Kites live on a variety of prey—from insects to small rodents or reptiles. Some kites eat only one kind of prey. Kites are generally masterful in the air and represent a group of birds that are among the most acrobatic of fliers. Two of the most familiar kites in the Southern United States are the swallow-tailed kite and the Mississippi kite. The Mississippi kite is rather plain to look at: a light brown and gray body with a buff or white colored head. But to watch a Mississippi kite fly is to watch a ballet in the air. These raptors eat primarily flying insects, so they do most of their hunting on the wing. As you might imagine, catching flying insects requires a great deal of agility and speed. If you are lucky enough to see one in flight, you will be amazed at the quick turns, graceful moves, and speedy pursuits of this bird. Look for them above large fields, especially during the summer. The swallow-tailed kite, also common in the South, is more easily identifiable and often seen flying over roads. With black wings and tail, white head and body, and a forked or swallow-like tail, this raptor is just as acrobatic as the Mississippi kite. Swallow-tailed kites like flying over highways in the summer as they can take advantage of the thermals, or columns of warmed air, that rise above the pavement. Once they have climbed to sufficient height, swallow-tails will glide, looking for snakes and reptiles and insects. They also eat small rodents, frogs, and other birds on occasion. Watching a swallow-tail fly is a lot like watching a gymnast perform a floor routine. Rarely flapping its wings, it uses its forked tail to make sharp turns, trace circles in the sky, or simply maintain a heading. Skilled, accomplished, and graceful, this bird is as entertaining as it is beautiful. Both kites are known to eat while flying, unlike most other birds of prey. This practice conserves energy and allows them to hunt almost continuously. While these kites are not listed as endangered, they are rare and in some states are listed as critical. Loss of habitat is the main reason for the decline. If you are lucky enough to see one, count yourself among the few. These magnificent birds are a sight you won't soon forget. Based on the text, how is watching a Mississippi kite like watching a ballet? Their flight includes many kinds of turns. Their flight is direct and fast paced like a dance. Their flight is like a dance in the air. Their flight requires many years of practice.

Who killed Julia Stoner in the story of the Speckled Band ?


This snake bit and killed Julia in the story of speckled band

What is the central argument presented in the Declaration of Independence



A government must protect the rights of its people, and since Britain does not protect the rights of the colonists, a new government must be formed.


this is why it was written, to give rights to people

hope this helps :)


the current goverment does not provide equal liberties, so a new goverment must be created.


Which statement is objective?



I could not find the statements to which you refer but I can explain a little about the subject so you can determine it yourself.

When something is objective it means that it only has one way of being. It is something real represented with real facts, and that cannot be influenced by personal thoughts or beliefs.

While something subjective refers to the feelings and thoughts that each person may have regarding a statement in this case. It would be the particular point of view of each person.


An objective statement is a short statement which describes precisely what you are looking for or what you want.


While your overarching goal, for example, may be to get a job, your resume statement may state that you want a job as a nurse.

Write a homophone for
after we cook dinner in the blank , we can go for a blanck


I am thinking... what is the most likely thing to go for... a walk...

now, is there something that sounds like a walk (note: l is silent) that we can cook in?

Ah, Chinese wok! (a big pot !)

Well, the vowels are slighty different, but I think in some varieties those words could be pronounced the same

In Act I of The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street, what motivates Steve to explain the flash of light by talking about meteors and sunspots? Question 2 options: He knows a lot about science and wants to educate his neighbors He wants to reassure himself that there is nothing to fear. He wants to find the meteor and sell it to a collector. He is from outer space and wants to act like a human being.



The real cause of the power fluctuations on Maple Street is that aliens are plotting to destroy the humans. What is the real cause of the power fluctuations on Maple Street? The community turns into an angry mob because they are scared.

Answer: Steve's motivation for explaining the flash of light by talking about meteors and sunspots is to reassure himself and his neighbors that there is nothing to fear. He wants to provide a logical and scientific explanation for the unexplained event in order to alleviate their anxiety and uncertainty. Steve's knowledge of science allows him to offer an explanation that may calm the tensions and restore a sense of normalcy in the community.

Which word or words in the sentence are the predicate nominative? My best friends will always be Kate and Allen. A. Kate, Allen B. Kate C. Allen D. best friends


Predicate nominatives are nouns which follow a linking verb (such as to be, to seem, to appear, etc.). In this sentence, the predicate nominatives are Kate and Allen. The correct answer is A.