Please help ASAP in your own words not sample answers !!!! Which elements of the story make it a morality play? Support your answer with evidence from the play???


Answer 1


Dear user,

Answer to your query is provided below

The story is aptly titled 'The Necklace' as it revolves around Madame Loisel desire to own and wear jewels. Her desire was fulfilled one day when she borrowed a stunning necklace from her friend Madame Forestier. She happily wore the necklace to a party but sadly, she lost it. After that, her husband and her lose everything they own in order to buy a replacement and return it to Madame Forestier. Only after ten years does Madame Loisel learn that the necklace she had borrowed was a fake made of glass beads!


The theme of 'The Necklace' revolves around class conflict: the difference between the rich and poor. It also emphasises the theme of appearance as opposed to reality. Madame Loisel learns the hard way that 'All that glitters is not gold'.

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The correct answer is D. Ad hominem


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as, although, after, while, when, unless, because, before, if, since


those all work!

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someone who is willing to give up there culture and submerge himself  completely in thedominant


Final answer:

Assimilationist negroes refers to African Americans who believed that assimilation into mainstream 'white' American society was the best path to overcoming racism and achieving civil rights. This viewpoint, predominant in late 19th and early 20th century, is associated with black leaders like Booker T. Washington but was contested by others like W.E.B Du Bois.


The term 'assimilationist negroes' typically refers to individuals in African American history who advocated for the idea of assimilation into white, mainstream American society, as a means of overcoming racism and attaining societal equality.

This was a perspective held by some African Americans during times of racial segregation and discrimination, particularly during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Supporters of this viewpoint believed that integration and acceptance into 'white America' was the key to achieving civil rights and breaking down racial barriers.

Black leaders like Booker T. Washington are often associated with these assimilationist views. Washington proposed that African Americans should focus on gaining vocational and agricultural skills, to show their value to society and peacefully progress towards racial equality.

However, these views were criticized by some, including W.E.B Du Bois, who advocated for a more confrontational approach towards achieving equality, arguing against the idea that African Americans needed to 'prove' their worth to gain rights.

Learn more about Assimilationist Negroes here:


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Pope used irony to reflect enlightenment principles by mentioning in "A Modest Proposal", Swift suggests that the impoverished Irish might ease their economic troubles by selling their children as food for rich gentlemen and ladies.

What are enlightenment principles?

Individual liberty and religious tolerance, as opposed to absolute monarchy and the unchanging doctrines of the Church, were the two main tenets of the Enlightenment principles. The concepts of utility and sociability were also crucial in the dissemination of information that would better society as a whole.

Further John Locke as a portrait. Enlightenment philosophy was dominated by a number of concepts, such as rationality, empiricism, progressivism, and cosmopolitanism.

However the thinkers of the Enlightenment principles were more interested in improving the lives of people now than they were in religion or the afterlife.

Therefore these thinkers cherished what they referred to as "natural rights" life, liberty, and property as well as reason, science, and religious tolerance.

Learn more about enlightenment principles:



In "A Modest Proposal", Swift suggests that the impoverished Irish might ease their economic troubles by selling their children as food for rich gentlemen and ladies.

This satirical hyperbole fully entitled "A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People From Being a Burden to Their Parents or Country, and for Making Them Beneficial to the Public" mocks heartless attitudes towards the poor/disadvantaged, as well as British policy toward the Irish.

The narrator's irony of “A Modest Proposal" by Swift is that he can criticize the moral weakness of mothers who have immoral abortions or commit infanticide. One of the most ironic statements, the speaker balks at the idea of eating teenagers because this is “bordering upon cruelty," as if all of his other suggestions were not.Irony reflects the spirit of Enlightenment by causing people to think and reason out a solution to the problem of poverty in Ireland.

I hope this is what you were asking for! Have a nice night!

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