Which kingdom(s) include organisms that are autotrophic or heterotrophic?


Answer 1


I hope this will help you:)


Autotrophic organisms are found in kingdom planted

Heterotrophic organisms are found in kingdom animalia

Kingdom monerans has some organisms like Cyanobacteria that can carry out photosynthesis so they are autotrophswhile the other main category of monerans is not capable of photosynthesis so are heterotrophs so this kingdom includes both o gains s

Kingdom protist are heterotrophs and autotrophs because some can prepare food while others cannot

Kingdom fungi has some organisms that can carry out photosynthesis like algae

while other are heterotrophs

Answer 2


de kingdoms where de aiutotrophs nd heterophic belong is known to be bacteria..there is also kingdoms where in dey r also autotrhoic nd dis is plantae kingdom also dere r kingdom there r only hetetrpohs nd these r animalia nd fungai

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The answer would be "Does the organism perform photosynthesis?," as fungi lack the presence of chloroplasts—an organelle vital for photosynthesis to occur.

Have this done correctly for brainiest​



From Top to bottom

1) Ocular lens (Eye Piece)


First Row Of the Labeling

2) Arms ( Right Box)

3) Revolving Nose Piece (left Box)


Second Row Of the Labeling

4) Stage Clip (Right Box)

5) Objective Lenses (Left box)


The Knobs in the Right

6) Course Focus Knob (the big Knob)

7) Fine Focus Knob (the small knob)

8) Mechanical Stage adjustment knobs (Small circular knobs in front of the course focus and fine focus knob)


The Left Labeling below the objective lens

9) Stage

10) Condensor Lens

11) lamp or Illuminator


Right Bottom 2 Labeling

12) Brightness adjustment

13) Base















Which organisms are most likely to survive in a population in which disruptive selection is occurring?


The answer would be : Organisms that have extreme traits.

Hope this helps !

"Organisms that have extreme traits" most likely to survive in a population in which disruptive selection is occurring

Hope this helps!

Plzzzzzzzzzz helpPart I: How Much Land
How do you feel about the results of this activity? Were you surprised? Why or why not?


The results of an activity or experiment can either prove or disprove the initial hypothesis. Also, if they disprove the initial idea or hypothesis they are surprising.

In any activity or experiment, the results are always related to the first idea or hypothesis. In this way, the results can:

  • Match or prove the initial idea
  • Contradict or disprove the initial idea

For example, if the initial idea is "Plants require 10 ml of water to survive" by the end of the experiment you will understant if this is true or if it is false.

Moreover, if the results do not match your initial idea, then they can be classified as revealing and surprising.

Note: This question is incomplete because the activity is not included; however, I answered this question based on general knowledge.

Learn more in: brainly.com/question/10349874


What activity

please update the ?

What is one disadvantage of insect stridulation



Many insects stridulate when they are handled or attacked. It has been suggested that this disturbance stridulation acts to deter predators. This hypothesis was investigated in a series of experiments. Predators were given insects which had been silenced by disruption of their sound-producing mechanism or else had been sham operated but retained their normal ability to stridulate. 2. Three types of insects (mutillid wasps, Dasymutilla spp.; water scavenger beetles, Tropisternus spp.; and round sand beetles, Omophron labiatus) were given to wolf spiders (Lycosa ceratiola and Geolycosa ornatipes) at night in the field under natural conditions. When attacking silenced insects, spiders displayed greater persistence than when attacking phonic insects (Table 1). In addition, mortality was greater among silenced insects. 3. Spiders (L. ceratiola) were also given an artificial 'insect' - a vibrating probe whose vibration mimicked that of the cuticle of a stridulating insect. As with real insects, spiders persisted longer in their attack on the probe when it was silent than when it was 'stridulating.' 4. Female mutillid wasps were given to wild-caught mice (Peromyscus floridanus) in the laboratory. Unsilenced mutillids survived the encounter more often than their silenced counterparts. In another experiment, the stings of mutillid wasps were removed before testing. Mice killed nearly all these 'unprotected' mutillids. However, it took mice significantly longer to attack unsilenced mutillids and longer to kill them after initiating the assault (Table 2). 5. These results support the view that insect disturbance stridulation deters predators. Two modes of action by which these sounds may have their effect are discussed: they may serve to startle the attacker or they may alert it to the potential harmfulness of the insect and as such may qualify as an example of acoustic aposematism.

As recently as 1996, the black-footed ferret, North America's only native ferret species, was listed as "extinct in the wild", with only captive individuals surviving in zoos and captive rearing programs. In 2002, 223 ferrets were released in Wyoming in an attempt to re-establish a wild population. Of these only 68 individuals survived the winter into 2003. By 2010, conservation biologists counted 760 ferrets, with an estimated annual growth rate of 0.35, one of the highest of any endangered species managed under the Endangered Species Act. The status of black-footed ferrets will be reevaluated and potentially downgraded from "critically endangered" to "endangered" once their population size exceeds 2000 individuals. Assuming no change to their annual growth rate in 2010, in what calendar year (in AD) would this occur?




Abstract. The black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes) went extinct in the wild when the last 18 known ferrets were captured for a captive-breeding program. Following the success of the captive-breeding program, 146 genetically nonessential ferrets were released at the Conata Basin, South Dakota, from 1996 to 1999

Final answer:

The black-footed ferret population, assuming a constant growth rate of 0.35, would exceed 2000 in or around the year 2021. This is calculated using the formula of exponential growth and mathematical approximation.


The ferret population is growing at a consistent rate of 0.35 per year. This is a question of exponential growth, represented by the formula N(t) = N0 * e^rt, where:

  • N(t) = the amount of quantity at time t
  • N0 = initial quantity
  • r = growth rate
  • e = Euler's number
  • t = time (in years)

In this case, we want to find when N(t) = 2000, N0 = 760, and r = 0.35. We need to solve the equation 2000 = 760 * e^(0.35*t). Solving this equation for t gives approximately 11.03. Given the last count was in 2010, we add 11 to 2010, giving a year of 2021. Therefore, assuming no change in the annual growth rate, the population would exceed 2000 in around the year 2021.

Learn more about Exponential Growth here:
