Wirte a composition of ten lines on What does alcohol addiction among teenagers leads to?


Answer 1


An alcoholic addiction is very bad because it can damabe the child's brain

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Would you ever surf again if this happened to you? Bethany did not quit after her accident. The doctors said her strength and excellent health helped her life. Just months after she almost lost her life ,she was surfing again.that same year she earned a spot on the u.s National surf team.Bethany also won an award for the best comeback athlete .people around.the world read about Bethany’a accident they were inspired by the way she overcome the loss of her arm “people I do not even know come up to me I guess they think I’m the symbol of courage,” she said. “ one thing has not changed and that is how I feel when I am riding a wave. It’s like , here I am. I am still here”.since her attack ,Bethany has won many surfing contests.but surfing is only part. Of. Her life now. She has written a book and gone on tv shows. She also travels to cities around the world to speak with people about not giving up. In 2005, she visited injured soldiers.some of these soldiers had lost an arm or leg in the was in Iraq.her messages was simple me quit ? Never”





As I see the events, I wouldn't quit surfing because of that accident, because even if she had one of the worst experiences throughout her entire life, if Surfing was as meaningful for me as it is for her, I wouldn't let a bad experience to separate me from what I love, from what gives me life and makes me happy! Also, I would also be satisfied of knowing that watching me surf encourages other people to overcome their difficulties.

As for the character, I'm sure she felt terrified about what was happening to her. Surely she had to undergo a long recovery time after her accident, but I'm sure that she was pretty anxious during that time, so when she finally came back to surfing, she did her best to be as good or even better than she was before the accident.