List ten benefits of music and dance to human Health​


Answer 1

-Increased physical strength

-reduces stress

-lessons anxiety

-increased flexibility

-eases pain

-improves memory

-provide comfort

-increased confidence

-improved heart and lung health

-Stronger bones in reduced risk of osteoporosis

Answer 2
Answer: - improved condition of your heart and lungs.

- increased muscular strength, endurance and motor fitness.

- increased aerobic fitness.

- improved muscle tone and strength.

- weight management.

- stronger bones and reduced risk of osteoporosis.

- better coordination, agility and flexibility.

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The Abduction of the Sabine Women

Nicolas Poussin


11. The economy of Elmendyn contains 2,000 $1 bills.a. If people hold all money as currency, what is the quantity of money?
b. If people hold all money as demand deposits and banks maintain 100 percent reserves, what is the quantity of money?
c. If people hold equal amounts of currency and demand deposits and banks maintain 100 percent reserves, what is the quantity of money?
d. If people hold all money as demand deposits and banks maintain a reserve ratio of 10 percent, what is the quantity of money?
e. If people hold equal amounts of currency and demand deposits and banks maintain a reserve ratio of 10 percent, what is the quantity of money?


Knowing that the economy of Elmendyn contains 2,000 $1 bills:
A. If people held all money as currency, the money is circulated in the economy. The quantity of money would be $ 2000.
B. If people hold all money as demand deposits, and banks maintain 100 percent reserves, the quantity of money will still be $ 2000. Demand deposit is an account that lets you withdraw without further notice. A bank reserve is the currency that the bank does not lend to the public. In this situation, the money circulating in the economy is $ 2000.
C. If people hold equal amounts of currency and demand deposits, and banks maintain 100 percent reserves, the quantity of money is $ 2000. In this situation, the currency is $1000 and the demand deposit is another $1000. With this the total amount of money circulating in the economy is $ 2000.
D. If people hold all money as demand deposits and banks maintain a reserve ratio of 10 percent, the answer is $20 000. The calculation can be done through this:
10 x (2,000 - C)=D
When all money is held as a deposit, there is no currency (C=0)
So 10 x (2,000 - 0) = D
D = $20,000
E. If people hold equal amounts of currency and demand deposits and banks maintain a reserve ratio of 10 percent, the quantity of money is $3,636. In this situation, it is given that the amount of currency is equal to the amount of demand deposit.
So the calculation is this:
10 x (2,000-C)=D
10 x (2,000-D)=D
$20,000 - 10D =D
$20,000 =11D
Since C=D, C is also 1,818
C+D= $3,636

Final answer:

The quantity of money in Elmendyn's economy can vary based on how much money is held as currency versus demand deposits, and the reserve ratio maintained by banks. If all money is held as currency or if banks maintain 100% reserves, no new money is created, and the money supply is $2000. However, if money is held as demand deposits and banks maintain a lower reserve ratio, the money multiplier effect can significantly increase the money supply.


In the economy of Elmendyn:

  1. If people hold all money as currency, the quantity of money is $2000. This refers to the total economic value of all the money available in the form of currency.
  2. If people hold all money as demand deposits and banks maintain 100 percent reserves, the quantity of money is still $2000. This is because banks are not creating any additional money through loans, as they are maintaining a reserve ratio equivalent to the total deposits.
  3. If people hold equal amounts of currency and demand deposits and banks maintain 100 percent reserves, the quantity of money is still $2000. Here, half the money is held as physical currency and half as demand deposits, with no new money created by banks.
  4. If people hold all money as demand deposits and banks maintain a reserve ratio of 10 percent, the quantity of money can be significantly higher than $2000 due to the money multiplier effect. Here, banks can create new loans from the 90% of deposits that are not held in reserve, which circulate through the economy and effectively increase the money supply.
  5. If people hold equal amounts of currency and demand deposits and banks maintain a reserve ratio of 10 percent, the quantity of money again will be higher than $2000, but less than in the previous case as half of the money is held as physical currency, hence not subject to the multiplying effect of bank loans.

Learn more about Money Supply here:


Study the following musical example, and then answer the questions that follow on thenext page. Some questions require you to write directly on the score.

1. Name the following notes in the treble clef
Measure 1, beat 1:
Measure 2, beat 1:
Measure 3, beat 1:

2. In order, name all of the notes in the first measure of the bass clef.

3. Which accidental is used in measure 15? How does this accidental alter the original note?
Natural symbol changes B flat to natural note

4. What does the dynamic marking mf mean in measure 1?



For number 4, the dynamic marking is called Mezzo Forte


I was a band student (Tenor Saxophone to be exact.) for 9 years. I was first chair for 3 years.

Final answer:

Without seeing the musical score it's impossible to answer directly. However, in a treble clef, notes are E, G, B, D, F from bottom to top. In a bass clef, they are G, B, D, F, A. An accidental alters a note's pitch, and 'mf' means mezzo-forte, or moderately loud.


Unfortunately, it is impossible for me to provide direct answers to your questions without being able to view the musical example you are referring to. However, I can provide some general guidelines about what you asked:

  1. The notes in the treble clef are named from bottom to top as E, G, B, D, and F, and spaces are F, A, C, and E.

  2. The notes of the bass clef are named from bottom to top as G, B, D, F, A and spaces are A, C, E, G.

  3. An accidental in the musical score usually alters the pitch of the notes. If you see a natural symbol in measure 15, it would change any preceding accidental back to the note's natural state.

  4. The dynamic marking 'mf' in the music score stands for 'mezzo-forte', which means the piece should be played moderately loud.

Learn more about Music Notation here:


Fun Question!! Do you prefer online or public school better?



public school but am in online school


What is the most important reason a preson would chose to beacome a music therapist?





Becoming a Music theripist can help people relive stress and anixity, depression, it improves healing, and it can help manage Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.

But maybe the most important reason could be for the money? In todays world money is very important.




This is me finale book 1 of half demon half angel tell me how you like itHalf demon half angel

Kaiki Gesshoku was an only child, he had only one friend which was his dog Tsuki, his mother and father died when he was born. As he was at school all of the kids were happy around him and tried to make friends but all the adults would whisper something and stared at him that made him feel lonely and an outcast. One day a new kid came in and his name was Kage Kataoka. The teacher said “go set to kaiki gesshoku, he will be your guide today”. Kaiki looked up from his desk and stared and the kid he was hoping he was not going to pick but the kid who is lonely will all ways be the guide to the new kid. Kage was quiet and he wouldn't talk. “So your name is kage. My name is kaiki gesshoku but call me kaiki.” kage looked up at kaiki and said “ok kaiki.’’ as kaiki showed kage around the school kage talked more often. After school kaiki showed kage Tsuki, kage loved his dog and his name because his fur is grey, black and white. “I wish I had a dog like you," said kage."Well you can visit Tsuki anytime if it is ok with Tsuki” said kaiki. "Woof!” said Tsuki. “I should get going my mom would wonder where i'm at see you tomorrow kaiki.’’ said kage “ok bye kage see you” said kaiki. As kaiki walked home he felt alone again even though he had Tsuki. As he got closer to his house he was thinking about what his mother and father were like and who they were. As he got home he was tired so he went to sleep. The next day kaiki was getting ready for school and saw a note on his front door

“Come to the village park, very important we need to talk"
To:kaiki gesshoku
From: unknown

“I don't have time for this,” said kaiki and he threw out the note. As he walked to school he saw kage, "hay kage over hear” as kage heard kaiki he did not look but stopped and then continued on walking. As kaiki ran up to kage “hi kage what are you up yo” said kaiki “nothing” said kage. “Well see u in class” said kaiki . After school kaiki was thinking about the note that he threw out. So after school he went to the park and saw no one there except for a adult. As he walked the man stood and looked at him “so you came after all” he said the man. “Why and what do you want? I do not have time for this'' said kaiki. I need to tell you a bought your mother and father, your mother was Kushea Gesshoku and your father was heyum Gesshoku.'' said the man. “Ok so what. Can I go now” said kaiki. “If you want," said the man. As kaiki tried to prove what just happened, kaiki ran into a kage agen. “Hi Kaiki, where are you heading to?” said Kage. “I'm heading home, why" said kaiki. “Just wondering where you're going,”said kage. As they walked home kage could tell there was something wrong with kaiki, “kaiki are you ok, your I dunno but there is something wrong with you, tell me” said kage. “There is nothing wrong with me, worry about yourself not me!” said kaiki with an attitude. As they walked none of them talked. After a few weeks a new student came and her name was Akemi sora. “Akemi there is an open set next to kaiki and kage go sit there for this class” said the teacher. As akemi walked to her desk she glanced at kaiki. “Kage why don't you show Akemi around the school and you to kaiki” said the teacher. “Here we go again with the old new kid shows the new kid around” whispered kaiki to kage, kage smiled at what kaiki had just said. After that class kaiki and kage showed akemi around the school and heard classes. After the school day was over and the three kids were still walking as a group till they had to go home they all said goodbye to each other.






This is good!!
