Very often, carbon is absorbed by more than one reservoir. For example, carbon released in the smoke from industrial pollution is initially absorbed by the atmosphere, but also by the oceans eventually. In this activity, identify the first reservoir of carbon absorption for the given activities and processes. Drag the appropriate items to their respective bins. If you feel that an item is applicable to more than one bin, sort it into the most appropriate bin.1. driving a car
2. respiration by marine animals
3. photosynthesis
4. eating vegetables
5. forest fire
6. fossil fuel formation
Atmosphere Hydrosphere Biosphere Lithosphere


Answer 1

The carbon cycle operates in nature that maintains the carbon composition in nature. The carbon is released into the atmosphere in the form of oxides, hydroxides and then recycle back into the atmosphere.

When carbon is released?

The carbon can be released into the atmosphere by the respiration of the animals in the form of carbon dioxide. The burning of fossil fuels and wood combustion also releases carbon into the atmosphere.

The decomposition by microbial organisms also releases carbon dioxide in the nature. The main carbon reservoir present in the atmosphere is lime stones in the oceans and in the biomass of the organisms. The carbon can be used up by the plants during the process of photosynthesis.

Therefore, The carbon cycle operates in nature that maintains the carbon composition in nature. The carbon is released into the atmosphere in the form of oxides, hydroxides and then recycle back into the atmosphere.

Learn more about  carbon cycle on:


Answer 2


1 2 4


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DNA, RNA, ATP, and the phospholipids that form all cell membranes


Within a narrow range of temperatures, S. marcescens produces a red pigment called prodigiosin. Although the ultimate purpose of the pigment is a mystery, it is known that at least 10 enzymes are required for its production. If one of these enzymes is rendered nonfunctional, how would you expect the appearance of the bacteria to change?



Either the color will disappear or the brightness of the color will reduce as compared to the brightness in normal case.  


Non diffusible red pigment known as prodigiosin is a characteristics of S. Marcescens. Since, the red pigment is dependent on least 10 enzymes, it is clear that the pH and temperature range must be adequate for these enzymes to be functional. The optimum condition for pigment formation is 30 degree temperature and alkaline medium.

If any of the 10 enzymes become non-functional, the chances of attaining normal bright red color are not possible. Either the color will disappear or the brightness of the color will reduce as compared to the brightness in normal case.  

What are the monomers of the following biomolecules:A. Carbohydrate
B. Lipid
C. Protein
D. Nucleic Acid



Carbohydrates - monosaccharides

Lipids - fatty acids, glycerol

Protein - amino acids

Nucleic acid - nucleotides

Answer: Carbohydrates: molecules composed of sugar monomers. They are necessary for energy storage. ...

Lipids: water-insoluble molecules that can be classified as fats , phospholipids, waxes, and steroids. ...

Proteins: biomolecules capable of forming complex structures. ...

Nucleic Acids: molecules consisting of nucleotide monomers linked together to form polynucleotide chains. ...

Explanation: I hope this helps.

Research Problem: You come across three new species of primates that all cohabitate the same forested area. No one has looked at the behavior of these monkeys before so there is lot to discover about each species. You and a fellow researcher are interested in describing the diet of each of these species (Do they eat fruits? Leaves? Insects? Tree-sap? A combination of sorts?). Your fellow researcher has determined that her hypothesis is that two of the monkeys primarily eat fruit, while one of the monkey species eats tree sap.



there are three different species.


There are three different species of monkey according to the hypothesis because all monkey species have different feeds i. e. one feed on the fruits while the other feed on the tree sap. It also shows that two monkey species have same feed i. e. eating fruits while one specie feeds on tree sap. This hypothesis also shows that no specie of monkey feeds on leaves and insects present on the trees.

You work in a laboratory that studies the molecular biology of tribbles. [Although tribbles are an alien life form, assume here that the molecular biology of tribbles is identical to that of eukaryotes on Earth.]Your lab has a genomic library of tribble DNA, as well as a cDNA library made with mRNA extracted from whole tribbles. The lab also has a collection of live tribbles that can be used to isolate RNA or DNA, and a supply of fixed tribbles that can be stained for gene expression.Your advisor provides you with a cloned 100 bp DNA fragment that represents part of the protein-coding region of a tribble gene. Using the tools described in the previous paragraph and the molecular biology techniques we have discussed in class, how would you accomplish each of the following aims? Note: try to come up with the simplest and modest direct approach that will give you the desired information.A. Determine the amino acid sequence of the complete protein produced by that gene.B. Determine whether or not the gene contains introns.C. Determine whether the RNA produced by that gene experiences alternative splicing.D. Determine the length of the mature mRNA(s) produced by the gene. This includes the UTRs and the poly-A tail.E. Determine which cells in the tribble body do and do not express mRNA from this gene.F. You discover a blood stain in the lab, and you want to determine whether it is human blood or tribble blood. How can you do this using the molecular biology tools described above?




A) to determine amino acid sequence of the protein produced by that gene. We will use cDNA library, we will hybridize given part of DNA sequence ( as this part only contains exon part). Than we will isolate the hybridize part and translate this sequence using generic coding table.

B) for determine presence or absence of introns in gene used isolated cDNA in first question. Now we will add this cDNA to DNA library. Here cDNA due to complementary mature binds with DNA. If cDNA binds completely with gene with out looping part of gene it shows that gene is having only exons .

And if along with hybridization part some looped part present in between-- it shows both exons and intron are present.

C) for determining alternative splicing we will use cDNA library.

d) to determine length of mature mRNA which includes both the UTR and poly A sequence we will go for cDNA cloning and look for particular cDNA complementary to DNA segments. And later we isolate that cDNA and examine its whole length

E) to determine which cells in the tribble body express this particular mRNA . We use fluorescent tagged small DNA part provided. Then we will add this DNA probe to supplied tribes. The cells which are expressing , will have cDNA will bind to probe and florescent can be detected. Cells which are not expressing that gene, here probe will not bind and no fluorescence.  

F) to determine that whose blood strain is this. We will do VBTR profiling . Which VNTR profiling similar to belief stain help to determine which blood stain is this.

Why is meiosis important for organisms?It creates gametes and allows for genetic variation among organisms.
It produces genetically identical cells.
0 It provides a means of asexual reproduction.
O It allows for cell and tissue repair


The correct answer is A. It creates gametes and allows for genetic variation among organisms.

Meiosis is the process of cell division in which a single cell divides into four daughter cells. The genetic constitution of the daughter cells reduces to the half as compared with the parent cells. While crossing over, an exchanging of genetic material is passed between chromosomes and that allow variations to happen.