A portion of the __________________ is the logical and practical investigation of business processes and organizational policies. This process/policy review ensures that the stated and implemented business tasks, systems, and methodologies are practical, efficient, and cost-effective, but most of all (at least in relation to security governance) that they support security through the reduction of vulnerabilities and the avoidance, reduction, or mitigation of risk.


Answer 1
Answer: Answer: countermeasure selection

Explanation: According to BrainScape it says ,”A portion of the documentation review is the logical and practical investigation of business processes and organizational policies.”

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Mr. Sherlock Holmes is a famous fictional detective. What is the pronoun in this sentence 








List three skill gaps related to effective communication


The three skill gaps related to effective communication are as follows:

  • Proficiency in Writing.
  • Public speaking.
  • Data analysis.

What do you mean by communication?

Communication can be defined as the technique of the exchange of thoughts and perspectives amongst or more persons to create a common understanding.

  • Verbal communication is when you pay attention to someone to recognize their meaning.

  • Written communication, in that you study their meaning.

  • Nonverbal communication is when you examine someone and infer meaning.

Thus, The three skill gaps related to effective communication are as follows:

  • Proficiency in Writing.
  • Public speaking.
  • Data analysis.

learn more about effective communication:



Verbal Communication (listening)
Fluently speaking
Emotion Control

Which of these choices is the BEST topic sentence for this presentation?



The answer is C


What are the choices options?

Using your Webtext and the supplemental resource featured this week, select two (2) U.S. Constitution amendments from the Bill of Rights. Then, in your own words, write a 200 to 500 word response on what they mean to you.



1st Amendment: Freedom of religion, speech and the press.

4th Amendment: Protection from unreasonable searches and seizures.


  • The first amendment manifests freedom of practising any religion, forming an opinion, and a neutral press. The U.S had various religions but Christians were in the majority, therefore, a feeling of vulnerability was present in the other religions. And to ensure that no one would get harmed because of practising a different religion first amendment was made along with that, the first amendment also ensured that no one would be stopped from forming an opinion and the press wouldn't be exploited by the elites.
  • The fourth amendment was aimed to stop elites or even rivals using the police force as a means to harm others. We have heard about the cases of that time which shows that police used to harass public with a general warrant. So, for me, this is as bad as any crime. Moreover, often police used to do it for their hidden purposes.

Final answer:

The First Amendment represents the freedom to express one's thoughts and petition the government, and the Fourth Amendment represents protection of individual privacy.


The first amendment I chose from the Bill of Rights is the First Amendment, which provides the freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, and the right to petition the government. To me, this amendment signifies the freedom and independence that forms the basis of American society. It allows us as individuals to freely express our thoughts and beliefs, and to challenge the government when we feel it's necessary.

The second amendment I'll discuss is the Fourth Amendment, which protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures. This amendment to me represents our right to privacy. It ensures our personal spaces, belongings, and information can't be intruded upon without good reason and a proper warrant from a court.

Learn more about Bill of Rights here:



. Use the three-point general rubric to evaluate the paragraph.
Different Types of Plants
There are many different type of plants. Some plants are tall, Some is so small that you need a microscop. Plants grow all the world. People even eat some plants for food. Plants are good for the enviornment. They kepe the air clean. The also make our world a prettier place to live.
Three-Point General Rubric

The writing is clearly focused on the task.
A main idea is well-developed and supported with relevant details.
There are almost no errors in grammar,spelling, and punctuation.
The writing is related to the task but generally lacks focus.
Support for the main idea is not clear or is missing.
There are a few errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
The writing is not focused on the task.
There is no clear main idea.
There are many errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation.
How does the passage meet the first criterion in the rubric?

a)The writing is clearly focused on the different types of plants.

b) Only some sentences are focused on plants.

c) The writing is related to plants, but not plant types.

d) Few, if any, sentences are focused on plants.



A. the writing is clearly focused on the different types of plants

it is A it includes a few detail that support the main idea

)Choose the correct answer from the given alternative.
16) I couldn't see the teacher because he
before I arrived the school.
A) had left
B) has left
C) left
D) was leaving
17) He was very tired because he
the bags upstairs.
A) have carried
B) had carried
C) carried
D) has carried
18) He asked me to give his book back but I
B) had lost
C) was lost
A) have lost
D) lost
19) She
all of the questions in the exam because she had studied very well.
C) answer
D) answered
A) answering
B) answers
20) When I arrived the church was empty. Everybody
D) was gone
B) has gone
C) had gone
A) had been gone



16. A

17. C

18. B

19. D

20. C