1. The author began the text recalling his encounter with a white woman toA: tell why he crosses the street when he sees a white woman
B: emphasize why black men should not go for night walks
C: explain the first time he realized the effect his presence created


Answer 1




Answer 2
Answer: C: explain the first time he realized the effect his presence created right answer

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Which sentence uses capital letters correctly? a. Whoever wins the Barbeque contest will be awarded the Q for U award. b. Whoever wins the barbeque contest will be awarded the Q for U Award. c. Whoever wins the barbeque contest will be awarded the Q For U award.
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select antecedent of the pronoun in the following sentence the "strikers will return to work when you when the union representative have completed their name negotiation."


The antecedent of a pronoun is basically the noun that a pronoun replaces, AKA the noun that the pronoun refers to.  It should be somewhere before the pronoun in the sentence.  In the sentence "Strikers will return to work when the union representative has completed their name negotiation," the pronoun is "their."  Whose name negotiation is being completed?  The strikers.  This could read, "Strikers will return to work when the union representative has completed THE STRIKERS' name negotiation."  That works!  So, the pronoun "their" refers to the strikers.

Answer: strikers

Which sentence contains an adverb clause? a. The state of California is also called the Golden State.
b. When you return from California, take a taxicab from the airport.
c. Yosemite National Park, in central California, covers nearly 1,200 miles of mountainous terrain.
d. California has three of the top ten most populated cities in the United States.


An adverb clause is a dependent clause which cannot exist on its own, it has to be a part of the main, independent clause. So, having that in mind, the only dependent clause among these examples is 'when you return from California'. Therefore, the correct answer is B.

Increasing your vocabulary meansA. you'll spend less time on revision.
B. you'll be able to spend more time reading.
C. you'll write more lively sentences.
D. you'll write longer sentences.


I'd say the answer is C, because if you know a lot of words, you can use a whole variety of different words, and synonyms, and antonyms, and what not, and that way you will surely make your sentences more lively and interesting. 

For which of the following situations would you most likely use critical listening?a. conversations with friends and family
b. during a play
c. group discussions
d. persuasive speeches


As for this question together with the options presented with it, the most probable answer and the most likely one to be the correct answer is the third option which is C. group discussions.

Though critical listening can also be utilized in the other situations presented as options, critical listening would be very useful during group discussions. During conversation with friends and family, it isn't advisable since it might ruin the bond build between parties and might instigate something worse. During a play, yes, you can, but not all the time. In persuasive speeches, it is more on the details that are being thrown.
The answer is: group discussions

Analyze the foot of the following phrase. music theory number of feet: kind of feet:


The study of rhythm in music is similar to the study of rhythm in poetry. Songs are poems set to music. Metre is a term covering both the underlying rhythm and the structure on top of the rhythm. The repeated rhythmic unit from which a poem is is constructed is called a Foot. It is a pattern of long and short syllables. These syllables correspond to strong and weak beats in a bar of music. There is one difference - it matters where a rhythmic pattern begins in poetry but does not matter where the rhythmic pattern begins in music. 

Which of the following is an example of persuasive writing?
A. description of an experiment
B. autobiography
C. explanation of how to change a tire
D. advertisement about Hawaii


An example of persuasive writing in this case is D - advertisment about Hawaii.

The reason this is a persuasive message and not the other ones is because only in this one is the intention of the writer to persuade the reader into doing something. In this case, going to Hawaii. In all the other cases, being persuasive was not the reason why the piece was written.


the answer is D
