In the Most Dangerous Game, explain how Sanger Rains ford's epiphany is caused by the external conflict.


Answer 1

 The external conflict is between Rainsford and General Zaroff.  This conflict is most clear when Zaroff is hunting Rainsford.  Rainsford, in order to live, must outwit Zaroff.  This is obviously a conflict.  There was also a lesser conflict as Rainsford resisted Zaroff's efforts to get him to be a hunter.

The internal conflict is within Rainsford as he is being hunted.  He is having to fight with himself to keep himself from despairing and giving up.  His situation seems hopeless and so it is hard for him to keep fighting for his life.

source: I read the book

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B. He plans to intercept and approve his own letter.
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The answers are c and b

Final answer:

Juan's application for the censor job was not intended to damage the government's control. His primary motivations were fear for Mariana's safety and the desire to intercept his own letter. Interestingly, despite being part of the strict government, the Censorship Division did not check Juan's references before hiring.


In the story The Censors, Juan applies for a job as a government censor for several reasons, but damaging the government's ability to control people is not one of them. His main motivations are fear for Mariana's safety and the desire to intercept and approve his own letter. As for his predatory skills to "read between the lines," this is a skill he acquires during his work as a censor, not a reason for applying. The irony in the Censorship Division's hiring process lies in their failure to check Juan's references before bringing him on board. This oversight reveals an interesting gap in an otherwise oppressive and controlling system of governance.

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The back yard was covered in late afternoon sunlight. The leaves danced in the trees, delighted that spring had finally arrived. The tulips were bright slashes of color like a child's crayon drawing. In the garden, the first green shoots were pushing out of the soil to greet the warmth of the sun. Sitting on the porch swing, I drank in the beauty of nature, a delicious treat. Which fiction element is the focus in this paragraph? A. Theme B. Plot C. Setting D. Conflict


it focuses on C or setting 
as the paragraph provides many adjectives to show the setting. it shows the place ( the backyard ), the time ( afternoon), the season ( spring ), and other details of the setting to help you visual. 

hope this helps! :)

Your answer should be (c)

Which character in Grendel is most clearly a round character?A. Wrolstan
B. Hrothgar
C. Beowulf
D. Grendel


The most obviously rounded character in Grendel is Beowulf, so thecorrect answer here is C. We can establish this by considering the factthat we know a lot of Beowulf's background, namely his parentage andhometown. It also seems that within the story he has honorable andpurposeful intentions, and therefore has a truly heroic journey.


APEX~ Grendel


Of these four words, which one is most likely to have a negative flavor? A. Distract
B. Confound
C. Harangue
D. Meander


First,let us define each word with their dictionary definitions: 

Confuseis making a person not certain or unable to understand onto something.
Meanderis a ‘winding path or course’ (e.g. a river or a road)
Harangueis a speech which is forceful or angry
Distractis causing someone ‘to stop thinking about or paying attention’ onto somethingor someone 

Withthe words and their meaning, the word that is most likely to have a negativeflavor or connotation is letter C: Harangue.  

Answer: Harangue hope this helps

What term is used to describe nonfiction written works such as newspaper articles, essays, and biographies?a. analytical
b. explanatory
c. expository
d. persuasive



a. Analytical.


There would be some who would argue and call it as an expository non-fiction work but that would be unfair as expository form only deals with the explaining of the topics which may include the news stories. But the articles provided in the newspaper, essays and biographies exemplify the analytical non-fiction works as it requires the analytical skills of the speaker. For say, if a writer is writing an article about increasing pollution or a road accident he or she will have to analyze the given data and present accordingly. However, the authors of these works have to act as a catalyst as the work should not have a single impression of their opinions and perceptions regarding the issue or person in case of a biography because this would turn the work into a biased and unauthentic one.

the answer is




Why don’t people always act like good citizens


Answer:because they dont feel like it



Some people grew up with bad citizens so they might have got it from that. and some people are just messed up in the head.

