Why would the Powhatan people help the Jamestown colonists?


Answer 1
Answer: At the time English colonists arrived in Spring 1607, coastal Virginia, that was still home to the Powhatan Indians. The Powhatans participated in an extensive trade network with Indian groups within and outside the chiefdom. With the English, the Powhatan people were able to trade foodstuffs and furs, in exchange for metal tools, European copper, European glass beads, and other trinkets. 
Answer 2


to avoid a war with powerful weapons


Since the Powhatan saw the British coming and they didn´t seem friendly and saw the powerful technology in weapons that they had, they rather fist help them and see if the relations could go friendly and advance in that way, the problems between them started when the English assasinated a Pwhatan leader.


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The report should be typed using proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Your report should be 300 words in length. List your sources at the end of the report.
