9. A gene has the base sequence that starts with CGT ACG GCT AC. a) What would be the mRNA base sequence formed during transcription, using the DNA sequence shown above? What would be first three amino acids in the protein formed from this gene?


Answer 1


b)alanine cysteine arginine

Answer 2


B) Ala/A, Ser/S, Arg/R

hope this helps

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Thus, blood is known to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the rest of the body while waste products and carbon dioxide produced were removes from the body. During metabolism, oxygen is transported in the blood from the lungs to the cells of the body while carbon dioxide during these processes is transported back to the lungs by the blood.

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I believe the answer is: Hemoglobin which carries oxygen

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b.) they have access to water to import goods
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answer c because the soil will help them farm, increasing profit.
I think it's C because farmer will get more profit and it would be more easy to transport goods.

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B. capsids
C. cocci
D. endospores


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Hope this is helpful

What is Gregor Mendel remembered for?



Gregor Mendel is remembered as the "father of modern genetics" for his pioneering work on pea plants in the 19th century. He conducted a series of experiments to study how traits are inherited from one generation to the next, and his discoveries laid the foundation for our understanding of genetics.

Mendel's most significant contribution was his formulation of the laws of inheritance, now known as Mendelian inheritance. He proposed that traits are passed down from parents to offspring in discrete units called "genes." Through his experiments, he identified dominant and recessive traits and showed how they can be inherited independently of each other.

One of Mendel's famous experiments involved crossbreeding pea plants with different characteristics, such as flower color or seed texture. By carefully observing the resulting offspring and analyzing the patterns of inheritance, Mendel was able to deduce the basic rules of heredity. He found that traits are determined by pairs of alleles, with one allele inherited from each parent.

Mendel's work was not initially recognized during his lifetime, but his findings were rediscovered and widely accepted in the early 20th century. Today, his laws of inheritance are fundamental to the field of genetics and are taught in biology classrooms around the world.

In summary, Gregor Mendel is remembered for his groundbreaking experiments with pea plants, which led to the discovery of the laws of inheritance and laid the foundation for modern genetics. His work revolutionized our understanding of how traits are passed down from one generation to the next