_ is the name given to the heat energy received from the sun


Answer 1


The think the answer is solar radiation.


here, we gain the heat from the sun through a radiation. When it travels from the sun the harmful radiation are absorbed by ozone layer and heat enegry is provided to the surface of the Earth.

hopeit helps..

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use google to find answer


69 69 69 69 69 69

Please provide an explanation.

Thank you!!



(a) 22 kN

(b) 36 kN, 29 kN

(c) left will decrease, right will increase

(d) 43 kN


(a) When the truck is off the bridge, there are 3 forces on the bridge.

Reaction force F₁ pushing up at the first support,

reaction force F₂ pushing up at the second support,

and weight force Mg pulling down at the middle of the bridge.

Sum the torques about the second support.  (Remember that the magnitude of torque is force times the perpendicular distance.  Take counterclockwise to be positive.)

∑τ = Iα

(Mg) (0.3 L) − F₁ (0.6 L) = 0

F₁ (0.6 L) = (Mg) (0.3 L)

F₁ = ½ Mg

F₁ = ½ (44.0 kN)

F₁ = 22.0 kN

(b) This time, we have the added force of the truck's weight.

Using the same logic as part (a), we sum the torques about the second support:

∑τ = Iα

(Mg) (0.3 L) + (mg) (0.4 L) − F₁ (0.6 L) = 0

F₁ (0.6 L) = (Mg) (0.3 L) + (mg) (0.4 L)

F₁ = ½ Mg + ⅔ mg

F₁ = ½ (44.0 kN) + ⅔ (21.0 kN)

F₁ = 36.0 kN

Now sum the torques about the first support:

∑τ = Iα

-(Mg) (0.3 L) − (mg) (0.2 L) + F₂ (0.6 L) = 0

F₂ (0.6 L) = (Mg) (0.3 L) + (mg) (0.2 L)

F₂ = ½ Mg + ⅓ mg

F₂ = ½ (44.0 kN) + ⅓ (21.0 kN)

F₂ = 29.0 kN

Alternatively, sum the forces in the y direction.

∑F = ma

F₁ + F₂ − Mg − mg = 0

F₂ = Mg + mg − F₁

F₂ = 44.0 kN + 21.0 kN − 36.0 kN

F₂ = 29.0 kN

(c) If we say x is the distance between the truck and the first support, then using our equations from part (b):

F₁ (0.6 L) = (Mg) (0.3 L) + (mg) (0.6 L − x)

F₂ (0.6 L) = (Mg) (0.3 L) + (mg) (x)

As x increases, F₁ decreases and F₂ increases.

(d) Using our equation from part (c), when x = 0.6 L, F₂ is:

F₂ (0.6 L) = (Mg) (0.3 L) + (mg) (0.6 L)

F₂ = ½ Mg + mg

F₂ = ½ (44.0 kN) + 21.0 kN

F₂ = 43.0 kN


a.  Left support = Right support = 22 kN

b.  Left support = 36 kN

    Right support = 29 kN

c.  Left support force will decrease

    Right support force will increase.

d.  Right support = 43 kN



weight of bridge = 44 kN

weight of truck = 21 kN

a) truck is off the bridge

since the bridge is symmetrical, left support is equal to right support.

Left support = Right support = 44/2

Left support = Right support = 22 kN

b) truck is positioned  as shown.

to get the reaction at left support, take moment from right support = 0

∑M at Right support = 0

Left support (0.6) - weight of bridge (0.3) - weight of truck (0.4) = 0

Left support = 44 (0.3) + 21 (0.4)  


Left support = 36 kN

Right support = weight of bridge + weight of truck - Left support

Right support = 44 + 21 - 36

Right support = 29 kN


as the truck continues to drive to the right, Left support will decrease

as the truck get closer to the right support,  Right support will increase.

d) truck is directly under the right support, find reaction at Right support?

∑M at Left support = 0

Right support (0.6) - weight of bridge (0.3) - weight of truck (0.6) = 0

Right support = 44 (0.3) + 21 (0.6)  


Right support = 43 kN

It's nighttime, and you've dropped your goggles into a 3.2-m-deep swimming pool. If you hold a laser pointer 0.90m above the edge of the pool, you can illuminate the goggles if the laser beam enters the water 2.2m from the edge.-How far are the goggles from the edge of the pool?



the googles are 5.3 m from the edge


Given that

depth of pool , d = 3.2 m

Now, let i be the angle of incidence

a laser pointer 0.90 m above the edge of the pool and  laser beam enters the water 2.2 m from the edge

⇒tan i = 2.2/0.9


solving we get

i = 67.8°

Using snell's law ,

n1 ×sin(i) = n2 ×sin(r)

n1= refractive index of 1st medium= 1

n2=  refractive index of 2nd medium = 1.33

r= angle of reflection


1* sin(67.8) = 1.33* sin(r)

r = 44.1°


distance of googles = 2.2 + d×tan(r)

distance of googles = 2.2 + 3.2×tan(44.1)

distance of googles = 5.3 m

the googles are 5.3 m from the edge

Proposed Exercise - Circular MovementConsider four pulleys connected by correals as illustrated in the figure below. One motor moves the A pulley with angular acceleration A= 20 rad/s^2/. If pulley A is initially moving with angular acceleration A= 40 rad/s^2, determine the angular speed of pulleys B and C after three seconds. Consider that the belts do not slide



ωB = 300 rad/s

ωC = 600 rad/s


The linear velocity of the belt is the same at pulley A as it is at pulley D.

vA = vD

ωA rA = ωD rD

ωD = (rA / rD) ωA

Pulley B has the same angular velocity as pulley D.

ωB = ωD

The linear velocity of the belt is the same at pulley B as it is at pulley C.

vB = vC

ωB rB = ωC rC

ωC = (rB / rC) ωB


ω₀A = 40 rad/s

αA = 20 rad/s²

t = 3 s

Find: ωA

ω = αt + ω₀

ωA = (20 rad/s²) (3 s) + 40 rad/s

ωA = 100 rad/s

ωD = (rA / rD) ωA = (75 mm / 25 mm) (100 rad/s) = 300 rad/s

ωB = ωD = 300 rad/s

ωC = (rB / rC) ωB = (100 mm / 50 mm) (300 rad/s) = 600 rad/s

Assuming the same initial conditions as described in FNT 2.2.1-1, use the energy-interaction model in two different ways (parts (a) and (b) below) to determine the speed of the ball when it is 4 meters above the floor headed down: a) Construct a particular model of the entire physical process, with the initial time when the ball leaves Christine’s hand, and the final time when the ball is 4 meters above the floor headed down.
b) Divide the overall process into two physical processes by constructing two energy-system diagrams and applying energy conservation for each, one diagram for the interval corresponding to the ball traveling from Christine’s hand to the maximum height, and then one diagram corresponding to the interval for the ball traveling from the maximum height to 4 meters above the floor headed down.
c) Did you get different answers (in parts (a) and (b)) for the speed of the ball when it is 4 meters above the floor headed down?



(a). Vf = 7.14 m/s

(b). Vf = 7.14 m/s

(c). same answer


for question (a), we would be applying conservation of energy principle.

but the initial height is h = 1.5 m

and the initial upward velocity of the ball is Vi =  10 m/s


(a). using conservation law

Ef = Ei

where Ef = 1/2mVf² + mghf  ........................(1)

also Ei = 1/2mVi² + mghi  ........................(2)

equating both we have

1/2mVf² + mghf = 1/2mVi² + mghi

eliminating same terms gives,

Vf = √(Vi² + 2g (hi -hf))

Vf = √(10² + -2*9.8*2.5) = 7.14 m/s

Vf = 7.14 m/s

(b). Same process as done in previous;

Ef = Ei

but here the Ef = mghf ...........(3)

and Ei = 1/2mVi² + mghi ...........(4)

solving for the final height (hf) we relate both equation 3 and 4 to give

mghf = 1/2mVi² + mghi ..............(5)

canceling out same terms

hf = hi + Vi²/2g

hf = 1.5 + 10²/2*9.8 = 6.60204m ............(6)

recalling conservation energy,

Ef = Ei

1/2mVf² + mghf = mghi

inputting values of hf and hi we have

Vf = √(2g(hi -hf)) = 7.14 m/s

Vf = 7.14 m/s

(c). From answer in option a and c, we can see there were no changes in the answers.

Why does an astronaut in a spacecraft orbiting Earthexperience
a feeling of weightlessness?



Astronaut in spacecraft while orbiting earth experience weightlessness because there is no gravity of earth or moon is acting on the body of an astronaut.                      

while on earth, we experience weight because the gravity of earth is acting on our body which is pulling us downward.

Both spacecraft and the astronauts both are in a free-fall condition.