What is deforestation overgrazing and wild fire​


Answer 1


Deforestation is the permanent removal of trees to make

room for something besides forest. This can include

clearing the land for agriculture or grazing, or using the

timber for fuel, construction or manufacturing.

Overgrazing occurs when plants are exposed to

intensive grazing for extended periods of time, or

without sufficient recovery periods. It can be

caused by either livestock in poorly managed

agricultural applications, game reserves, or nature


A wildfire, wildland fire or rural fire is an uncontrolled fire

in an area of combustible vegetation occurring in rural


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Wegner simply defined it by saying that the continents were all together at one point in time. He defined this by explaining his Continental Drift theory. Hence option A is appropriate.

What is a Continental Drift Theory?

Alfred Lothar Wegner as is known as one of the foremost and most important people of his time. He was a Geologist as well as a climatologist.

Wegner during his time as a Geologist had given a path-breaking discovery that later the world cherished and became a ground for a lot of future generations. After, looking at the work of the solid spheres over time, and also by finding the Mesosauraus Fossil he could only come to the idea of Continental Drift Theory.

The Continental Drift Theory is such that, Wegner believed that during the Ancient Greek Civilizations, Earth was one big continent., Later on, the Pangea of the whole continent broke, and thus fragments of the continents started to float around and got separated. Hence, option A is correct.

Learn more about the Continental Drift Theory here:




A: the continents were at one time, joined together (and then somehow drifted apart)


Polaris, the North Star, can be used for navigation in Earth's Northern
Hemisphere because



because it is always positioned over the North Pole and it doesn't seem to move or is fixed.


In case you're lost or you don't have a GPS or a compass, you can always use the North Star, also known as "Polaris," in finding your direction towards the Northern Hemisphere. This star is noticeable because it illuminates in its brightness. In order to make sure you've spotted Polaris, you have to trace the "Plough" or the "Big Dipper." This is commonly seen alongside the Polaris.

it remains nearly stationary in the sky, aligned with Earth's axis, helping travelers determine north even without a compass.

Why is the North Star, can be used for navigation in Earth's Northern Hemisphere

Polaris is located almost directly above the Earth's North Pole. As the Earth rotates, Polaris appears relatively fixed in the night sky.

This makes it a valuable reference point for navigation, as its position indicates the direction of the North Pole and allows travelers to find their way northward.

Learn more about North Pole at brainly.com/question/25831261


Explain the processes than maintain the basin-wide oceanic gyres.



As explained below.


  • An ocean gyre is a large system of circulation of oceanic currents, by the global winds and global forces created by the rotation of the planet on its axis.
  • These gyres help in driving the conveyor belt that circulates the oceanic water throughout the planet. Various types of Oceanic Gyres are found on the globe like tropical, subtropical, and subpolar gyres.
  • The tropical gyres are less developed ad tend to be found in the east to west, north to a south extent. Formed by pacific equatorial currents system. the subtropical gyre is a system of the high-pressure zone that moves in a clockwise direction from the northern hemisphere, and anticlockwise in the southern hemisphere.
  • The subpolar gyres found at a height of 60 degrees, consists of clockwise circulation of winds in low-pressure areas around the northern hemisphere. Like the Aleutian and Icelandic low.
  • The recent development of climate change and the unequal distribution of heat floes have accelerated the process of the formation of gyres.

What causes the seasons? Explain. Be as precise and accurate as possible.



Rotation of the earth on its axis.


  • The earth is tilted at 23.5 degrees relative to its ecliptic plane and rotates in an anticlockwise direction around the sun this causes the winds in the earth to move from left to right in the northern hemisphere and in right to left in southern hemisphere knowns the Coriolis effect.
  • The impact of sun rays creates a system n the earth's landscape that makes the earth produce temperature inversions and relative earth has three pressure cells that move in a cyclic order from the equator to the poles.
  • It is also due to the angle of inclination around the sun that the earth experience cold and warm weather in summers as a result of the tilt the sun rays fall directly 90 degrees on the equator and are inclined toward the poles at the angle of 30 degrees.  
  • Also, the presence of upper air jet streams and geostrophic winds influence the temperature ranges o the earth they bing in the warm and cold air masses from the other regions and equator being a region of mixing diverts all of these winds hence creating a good balance.

If the asthenosphere was made of rigid rock, like the lithosphere, do you think tectonic plates would move the same way? Justify your answer.


The earth is made of different layers these are core, mantle and crust.

  • The crust is coolest part and forms the lithosphere.
  • The lithosphere is sold rock and if mantle would be of the same matter then the plates would have never drifted or spread apart.

Hence the conclusion is tectonic plates would never move or earth would be different.

Learn more about the asthenosphere was made of rigid rock, like the lithosphere.


No, the reason the tectonic plates move and shift is because they are on a liquid that is able to be moved on.

Explain all the types of erosion caused by water



There are three types of soil erosion caused by water. They are: Sheet, Rill and Gully.

Sheet Erosion

This type of erosion takes away the top soil over a wide area thereby making it look as though it took a sheet of the top soil. As a result, this is not easy to notice at first glance because the soil from the whole area is gone so there is nothing to compare it to.

Rill Erosion

When water goes in channels and makes lines in the soil a by carrying off the soil that was previously on those lines, that is rill erosion. These channels must be shallow to be considered Rill erosion however because if they are too big, it would become gully erosion.

Gully Erosion

Gully erosion is much like Rill erosion but on a much larger scale. With gully erosion, the channels are much bigger and allow for more soil to be taken. Gully erosion can remove a lot of soil from an area. The Grand Canyon for instance was formed by Gully erosion.