Trail of the green blazer, do you sympathize with Raju or are you content with the ending of the story? Explain. (The best answer I will mark brainliest)


Answer 1


No, it is not possible to sympathize with Raju or be content with the ending of the story for it presents no change of heart in the criminal even after he was convicted and jailed for some months.


R. K. Narayan's short story "Trail of the Green Blazer" revolves around the story of a pickpocket named Raju and his intention to correct his wrong ways. But in his attempt to make things right, (even if it's just to return a balloon for the motherless child), he ended up being caught and convicted, leading to his imprisonment for 18 months.

Considering the ending of the story, it is not fair to say that it is the right way for the plot to end. There is always retribution for any wrongful act committed and if Raju hadn't decided to return the purse with the balloon to the Green Blazer, there is no knowing he may change his ways and stop stealing. With his act caught and him convicted and imprisoned, the event can change him for the better. But that did not even seem to change him. The story ends with him deciding that "If ever I pick up something again, I shall make sure I don’t have to put it back". This shows that he's still thinking of continuing his ways and making sure that he did not return anything, not even if it involves a "motherless child".  So, it is hard to sympathize with him for there is no change of heart even after being imprisoned.

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b. encoding.
c. medium selection.
d. noise.


This is an example of a. feedback

Feedback is returning information back with a goal of showing understanding or analyzing the message that has been conveyed.

Class or rank a. secularization
b. stratification
c. resolution
d. application



B. Stratification


The word stratification makes reference to the classification and/or division of a group of individuals or objects into different ranks.

The other words mean something different; for example, secularization has to do with the process of making something "secular", in other words, devoid of religion. Then, resolution is connected with decisions taken by an individual. Finally, application can be a written request for something or a practical way of doing something, for instance, "the application of this new method of studying is that students will improve their writing accuracy...."

The correct answer is B. Stratification

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C. To change tenses, an irregular verb has to change its spelling.
D. Each irregular verb is preceded by the word "to."


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The third option is the correct one - "it tells a moral tale that is at odds with the pardoner's own persona". The pardoner is a con, and he admits it. He tricks people into giving him money, and that is how he earns for a living. However, his story is quite the opposite - it is a moral tale that should teach us how to behave and what not to do, and his preaching and methods, despite how corrupt they are, are ultimately good.


it tells a moral tale that is at odds with the pardoner's own persona


trust me i got it correct