what is the difference between von and aus? they both mean ‘from’ and I don’t get the difference...


Answer 1


"Von" is used in front of adverbs, as well as to manifest starting point and point of arrival. When you want to indicate origin, referring to the place of origin, "aus" is used, except in front of adverbs, and also to express that it comes from a certain building or means of transport.

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9/11 was an inside job



That is from Rick and morty which is a animated science fiction adult show


The claim that "9/11 was an inside job" suggests that the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City were orchestrated or facilitated by individuals within the United States government. It is important to note that this claim is a conspiracy theory that has been widely debunked by experts and investigations.


The 9/11 attacks were carried out by the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda, led by Osama bin Laden. The attacks involved 19 hijackers who took control of four commercial airplanes. Two of these planes were flown into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, causing their collapse. Another plane was flown into the Pentagon, while the fourth crashed in Pennsylvania after passengers attempted to regain control from the hijackers.

Multiple investigations, including the 9/11 Commission Report, have thoroughly examined the events of 9/11. These investigations have concluded that the attacks were executed by al-Qaeda and there is no evidence to support the claim that it was an inside job.

Conspiracy theories often arise from a desire to make sense of tragic events or a distrust in official explanations. However, it is crucial to rely on credible sources and evidence-based investigations when evaluating such claims.

If you have any further questions or need clarification, feel free to ask.

Sag, an welchem Tag Herr Meier, Frau Meier, Marco oder Katrina das gemachthaben!
1. Katrinas Mutter hat etwas auf einer Bank gelesen.
2. Marcos Vater hat etwas an seinem Auto gemacht.
3. Herr Meier ist später nach Hause gekommen.
4. Ein paar Gäste sind bei Meiers zu Besuch gewesen.
5. Katrinas Bruder hat am Telefon gesprochen.
6. Katrina hat ihre Arbeit für die Schule nicht gemacht.
7. Beide Eltern haben etwas für Marco gekauft.



Say on which day Mr. Meier, Ms. Meier, Marco or Katrina did this


1. Katrina's mother was reading something on a bench.

2. Marco's father did something to his car.

3. Mr. Meier came home later.

4. A few guests visited Meiers.

5. Katrina's brother spoke on the phone.

6. Katrina didn't do her work for school.

7. Both parents bought something for Marco.


Was wirst du in der zukunft sein? (you can use un zu and man muss for this)Hast du einen Teizetjob? (you can make it up)


                     (English translation)

First connect the dots from the past to the present time.
I think in future, their would be new inventions, new medical drugs, many people is going to die from HIV/AIDS, we would finally visit mars, and since their are smart phones, smart televisons, their would also be smart people like Albert Einstein in the past.

               (German translation)

Verbinden Sie zuerst die Punkte aus der Vergangenheit bis zur Gegenwart .Ich denke, in Zukunft ihre würden neue Erfindungen , neue Medikamente , viele Menschen vor sich geht , um von HIV / AIDS sterben, wir würden endlich Besuch Mars , und da ihr sind Smartphones, Smart televisons , ihre würde auch intelligente Menschen wie Albert sein Einstein in der Vergangenheit.

These laws in Germany forbade intermarriage and barred Jews from the civil service. The laws were termed ___________.a. The Auschwitz laws
c. The Dachau laws
b. The Nuremberg laws
d. The Berlin laws


That would the Nuremburg laws!

please could you translate into German: "I am sometimes stressed because I have a lot of homework to do. When I am stressed I become tired or I have a headache"


"I am sometimes stressed because I have a lot of homework to do. When I am stressed I become tired or I have a headache" in german is:

Ich werde manchmal betont, weil ich viel Heimarbeit habe, zum zu tun. Wenn ich betont ich werde müde bin oder, ich habe Kopfschmerzen

Hope I Helped!!!

"Ich bin manchmal gestresst , weil ich eine Menge Hausaufgaben zu tun . Wenn ich gestresst bin ich müde geworden oder ich habe ein" is the answer hope this helps you

Of the 12 members of the CIS, only Russia and three other former members of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics are on the continent of Europe. The other three besides Russia are


The other three countries of the CIS that geographically belong to Europe are Belarus,   Moldova, and Ukraine. If you look at the world map, all the other countries are on the Southern part of Russia which is already an Asian territory.