People in Spanish speaking countries prefer to buy everything in a large store or super market. True or false


Answer 1
Answer: yeah that is super true
Answer 2


The answer is false


I tried this guys answer and got it wrong .w.

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Decomposers interact with the ecosystem by making the solid more fertile.

Decomposers are organism that feed on dead organic matter but they also break down organisms to the their base materials, that is to their organic and inorganic components. Organisms such as fungi take the dead organic matter and after breaking it down to base components release it back into the soil thus fertilizing it and making it possible for a new life to thrive in the ecosystem.

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Now Sancho tells it to bolsa!



1. A, a triciclo

2. B, Now Sancho tells it to Bolsa!

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100% on edge

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HELP1. tú + seguir

2. yo + trabajar

3. ella + ser

4. yo + vivir

5. nosotros + ir

6. ellas + estar

7. yo + dar

8. Uds. + bailar

9. nosotras + dar

10. tú + hacer*

11. él + poder*

12. ella. + saber*

13. yo + tener*

14. ellos + haber*

15. En el futuro, ¿dónde vivirás? (3 pts.)
16. En el futuro, ¿cuál será tu profesión? (3 pts.)


1. Tú sigues

2. Yo trabajo

3. Ella es

4. Yo vivo

5. Nosotros vamos

6. Ellas esta

7. Yo doy

8. Uds. bailan

9. Nosotras damos

10. Tú haces

11. El puede

12. Ella sabe

13. Yo tengo

14. Ellos habían

15. En una casa (In a house)/ en un departamento (In an apartment)/

16. (Businesses man) Administrador


En el futuro:

1. seguirás

2. trabajaré

3. será

4. viviré

5. iremos

6. estarán

7. daré

8. bailarán

9. daremos

10. harás

11. podrá

12. sabrá

13. tendré

14. habrán

15. En el futuro, yo viviré en una casa sin mis padres. (insert something along the lines of where you'll live.)

16. En el futuro, será un doctor. (insert your profession.)

Some one tell me what mean hola in spanish


Spanish is Hola, and English is Hello. :D
Spanish: Hola
English: Hello