What is the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation needed to eject electrons from a metal?


Answer 1


λ = hc/(eV + hf_(0))


Let the work function of the metal = ∅

the kinetic energy with which the electrons are ejected = E

the energy of the incident electromagnetic wave = hf

Then, we know that the kinetic energy of the emitted electron will be

E = hf - ∅

because the energy of the incident electromagnetic radiation must exceed the work function for electrons to be ejected.

This means that the energy of the incident e-m wave can be written as

hf = E + ∅

also, we know that the kinetic energy of the emitted electron E = eV

and the work function ∅ = hf_(0)

we can they combine all equations to give

hf = eV + hf_(0)

we know that f = c/λ

substituting, we have

hc/λ = eV + hf_(0)

λ = hc/(eV + hf_(0))    This is the wavelength of the e-m radiation needed to eject electrons from a metal.


λ is the wavelength of the e-m radiation

h is the Planck's constant = 6.63 x 10^-34 m^2 kg/s

c is the speed of e-m radiations in a vacuum = 3 x 10^8 m/s

e is the charge on an electron

V is the voltage potential on the electron

f_(0) is the threshold frequency of the metal

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Moment of inertia will be I=2kgm^2


We have given mass of the person m = 72 kg

Radius r = 0.8 m

Force is given  F = 5 N

Angular acceleration \alpha =2rad/sec^2

Torque is given by \tau =F* r=5* 0.8=4N-m

We know that torque is also given by

\tau =I\alpha, here I is moment of inertia and \alpha is angular acceleration

So 4=I* 2


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The no. of electrons is 7.59* 10^(21)


According to the question:

The rate at which the charge is delivered is given by:

(dQ)/(dt) = - 0.75


\int_(0)^(Q)dQ = - 0.75\int_(0)^(27 min) dt

Q = -0.75t|_(0)^(27 min)

Q= -0.75* 27* 60 = - 1215 C

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Q = ne


e = electronic charge =1.6* 10^(- 19) C


n = (Q)/(e)

n= (1215)/(1.6* 10^(- 19))

n = 7.59* 10^(21)

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The correct answer is "21195 N".


The given values are:

Tensile strength,

= 3000 MN/m²


= 3.0 mm


= 3×10⁻³ m


The maximum load will be:

=  Tensile \ strength* Area

On substituting the values, we get

=  (3000* 10^6)((\pi)/(4) (3* 10^(-3))^2)

=  (3000* 10^6)((3.14)/(4) (3* 10^(-3))^2)

=  21195 \ N

Final answer:

The maximum load that can be applied to a 3.0 mm diameter steel wire with a tensile strength of 3000 MN/m2 without breaking it is 21,200 Newtons.


The subject of this question revolves around the concept of tensile strength in the field of Physics. The maximum load that can be applied to a wire without it breaking depends on the wire's tensile strength and its cross-sectional area. For a steel wire with a tensile strength of 3000 MN/m2 and a diameter of 3.0 mm, we first need to calculate the cross-sectional area, which can be found using the formula for the area of a circle, A = πr^2, where r is the radius of the wire. Given the diameter is 3.0 mm, the radius will be 1.5 mm or 1.5 x 10^-3 m. So, A = π(1.5 x 10^-3 m)^2 ≈ 7.07 x 10^-6 m^2.

We can then use the tensile strength (σ) to find the maximum load (F) using the equation F = σA. Substituting the given values, we get F = 3000 MN/m^2 * 7.07 x 10^-6 m^2 = 21.2 kN, which is equivalent to 21,200 N. Therefore, the maximum load that can be applied to the wire without breaking it is 21,200 Newtons.

Learn more about Tensile Strength here:



What is science? Plz help I cant find a answer thats not really complicated and i have to fit it within 3 sentences.


Science is the study of our universe, and our own planet. It is the study of the biological, chemical and physical world we live in. It is a process of discovering by experimenting and looking for patterns.

Please show steps as to how to solve this problem
Thank you!



Torques must balance

F1 * X1 = F2 * Y2

or M1 g X1 = M2 g X2

X2 = M1 / M2 * X1 = 130.4 / 62.3 * 10.7

X2 = 22.4 cm

Torque = F1  * X2 =

62.3 gm* 980 cm/sec^2  * 22.4 cm = 137,000 gm cm^2 / sec^2

Normally x cross y   will be out of the page

r X F  for F1 will be into the page so the torque must be negative