Read the sentence.Abashed by the harsh criticism, the mortifying writer decided to rewrite the beginning of the book.What is the best way to revise the sentence?


Answer 1

Your question is incomplete because you have not provided the answer options, which are the following:

A. Change "Abashed" to "Abashing"

B. Change "mortifying" to "mortified"

C. Change "to rewrite" to "rewriting"

D. Change "beginning" to "began"


B. Change "mortifying" to "mortified"


Adjectives ending in -ing describe a quality or the effect that something can have on someone. On the other hand, adjectives ending in -ed describe how someone feels. Thus, the writer feels ashamed, embarrased or humiliated as a result of the harsh criticism.

The rest of the options are grammatically correct, since "Abashed" is the beginning of a participle clause, "to rewrite" is a full infinitive after the verb decided, and "beginning" is a noun.

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the predicate of this sentence is are required
The simple predicate in this sentence is required, hope this helps

An archetype is best described as a character whoA. symbolizes a specific event.
B. determines the outcome of a story.
C. represents a distinguishing quality.
D. is vital in developing the conflict and climax.


An archetype is the most typical example of something. For example, an archetypical mother loves her children.

The correct answer is C. represents a distinguishing quality

Which is NOT a type of expository text?A. Essay
B. Newspaper article
C. Poem
D. Report


C. Poem

Sources of facts

The poem, written by Joyce Kilmer, goes like this:

I think that I shall see - A
A poem lovely as a tree - A
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest - B
Against the earth's sweet flowing breast - B
A tree that looks at God all day - C
And lifts her leafy arms to pray - C
A tree that may in Summer wear - D
A nest of robins in her hair - D
Upon whose bosom snow has lain - E
Who intimately lives with rain - E
Poems are made by fools like me - A
But only God can make a tree - A

The Iroquois use the ideas in this myth toA: Explain how natural phenomena came to be
B:describe why animals are important to people
C: Explain the complexities of human relationships
D:describe the reasons people use different hands



B: describe why animals are important to people


The Iroquois people of Native American descent have a myth that shows the importance of animals to people. At this time, people dwelt above the sky. One day the daughter of the ruler in the community became sick. Instruction came from the healer to dig a hole and place her beside it. During the process of digging, the tree faltered in its root, falling into the hole and took the girl along with it. Two swans saw her and related to the incident to the Great Turtle who instructed that the animals take turns in helping her. Several of the animals died in the process, but it was the Old Lady Toad who went down to the whole and on coming out, spat out earth that expanded till the woman could be brought out of the hole.

This myth shows the importance of animals to people. They could save them from difficult situations.

Describe one act of civil disobedience the american colonist performed to protest against British rule



An outcry arose from those affected, and colonists implemented several effective protest measures that centered around boycotting British goods. Then in 1765, Parliament enacted the Stamp Act, which placed taxes on paper, playing cards, and every legal document created in the colonies.

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Mr. Rochester in the novel “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte is a man who is moody and stern at first, but he turns out to be a kind person. He represents a 'round character.'

Round characters are the characters who shows significant changes throughout the progression of a story. They are complex and undergoes development which at times surprises the readers. On the other hand, flat characters do not show any change and are basically two dimensional.

Bronte’s characterization in her novels reflected her analysis of the real-life characters. She doesn’t make Rochester a hero with good looks and very pleasant nature rather gave him the features which a man would possess in real. Every character in the novel had their own way of thoughts and perspectives which they do not want to compromise for any reason.


Dynamic character.


A dynamic character is one who has a difficult and complex personality, but undergoes an evolution in the course of the narrative, changing his character and personality to something charming and kind and easy-going. This evolution happens slowly, because these characters are quite complex. A great example of this type of character is Mr. Rochester.