Throughout much of history, the informal passing of knowledge from elder to younger in the context of everyday life formed the basis of children's:Human capital


Answer 1




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British Canada gained a large French population as a result ofA) France's loss of its Canadian colonies in the Seven Years' War.
B) the flight to Canada of French Protestants in the eighteenth century.
C) French citizens fleeing the Napoleonic wars.
D) French fur traders being driven out of the United States.
E) All these answers are correct.


British Canada gained a large French population as a result of France's loss of its Canadian colonies in the Seven Years' War, which took place between 1755 and 1764.

How is India distinct from the rest of Asia?


There are a number of differences. One of them is the culture : India has a very specific culture (and of course there is a lot of variation within India, but there are a lot of similarities too) and religion : Hinduism, which is almost absent outside of India. Further, many  Indians have a different appearance than other Asians :brown skin, especially in the south. Also, Indian languages, although also very varied, provide a sense of unity, since they all influenced each other over the years  (so while tamil and Chinese are both different from Hindi , Tamil has borrowed more from Hindi than Chinese.

C. It is a subcontinent

Which issue did not cause disagreement among the delegates to the Constitutional Convention? A. how to make representation fair for both small and large states B. creating a government without a king C. whether to count slaves for representation D. how to deal with the slave trade


Major issues of disagreement during the Constitutional Convention were D) how to deal with the slave trade, A) how to make representation fair for both small and large states, C) whether to count slaves for representation. However, the issue of whether or not to create a government without a king was a point of common consensus following the experience with the British King. 


Creating a government without a king caused no disagreement.


How did Feudalism work? Select all that apply.1.A Lord would be given land by the king in return for homage or a promise to serve the king when called upon.

2.A knight would be given a fiefdom by a vassal and act a part of a standing army for the vassal.

3.A serf would be given a fiefdom by a knight and protect the lands outside of the castle walls.

4.A vassal depended on the agricultural production of serfs to feed the whole system.

5.A king would hire a vassal to provide an army and political advice during times of war.


the statements that describe how Feudalism work is :
1. A lord would be given land by the king in return for homage or a promise to serve the king when called upon.
4. A vassal depended on the agricultural production of serfs to feed the whole system
5. A king would hire a vassal to provide an army and political advice during times of war


1.A Lord would be given land by the king in return for homage or a promise to serve the king when called upon.

4.A vassal depended on the agricultural production of serfs to feed the whole system.

5.A king would hire a vassal to provide an army and political advice during times of war.


Feudalism is the denomination of the predominant political system in Western Europe of the middle centuries of the Middle Ages (between the ninth and fifteenth centuries, although there is no agreement among historians about its beginning and duration, and this varies according to the region), And in Eastern Europe during the Modern Age, characterized by the decentralization of political power; to be based on the diffusion of power from the top (where in theory were the emperor or kings) to the base where local power was exercised effectively with great autonomy or independence by an aristocracy, called nobility, whose titles derived from governors of the Carolingian empire (dukes, marquises, counts) or had another origin (barons, knights, etc.).

Before the late 1800s the united states did not seriously involve itself in overseas expansion largely because it


United states did not seriously involve itself in overseas expansion largely before the late 1800's because it was primarily concerned with westward expansion and internal problems, most especially the recently concluded American Civil War.

its option f. It's too short. Write at least 20 characters to explain it well.

#Cowboy Document
Why were trail cattle branded?



Because ranches were unfenced, cattle roamed freely grazing where the grass was best. - Each cow was branded (on the shoulder or hindquarter) to show which ranch it was from. - Branding prevented rustling- where thieves stole and drove away cattle that wasn’t theirs. -1880-1885 were the peak years.



So that their owners know who's cattle is who's


It made it easier to be identifed

Also very painful