which of the following is something that an information systems (IS) professional would do? A. devise new ways to use computers B. turn information into meaningful decisions C. help people with their technology needs D. create and maintain computer network


Answer 1



it professionals build and repair computers, create and aunts in networks, and help people with their technology needs.

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Differentiate the history of computer concepts to the new era of technology today.



The history of computer concepts can be divided into several distinct eras, each marked by significant technological advancements and shifts in computing paradigms. Here's a brief differentiation between historical eras and the current era of technology:

1. **Pre-Mechanical Era:** This era dates back to ancient times when abacuses and other simple counting tools were used for basic calculations. There was no digital technology during this period.

2. **Mechanical Era (19th century):** This era saw the development of mechanical calculators like Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine and the punched card system used for data processing.

3. **Electromechanical Era (1930s-1940s):** The invention of machines like the Turing Machine and the use of electromechanical devices marked this era, which laid the foundation for modern computing.

4. **First-Generation Computers (1940s-1950s):** Electronic computers such as ENIAC and UNIVAC were built during this period, using vacuum tubes and punch cards for data processing.

5. **Second-Generation Computers (1950s-1960s):** Transistors replaced vacuum tubes, leading to smaller and more reliable computers. High-level programming languages like Fortran and COBOL were developed.

6. **Third-Generation Computers (1960s-1970s):** The introduction of integrated circuits (ICs) led to even smaller and more powerful computers. Time-sharing systems and the development of ARPANET (precursor to the internet) were notable advancements.

7. **Fourth-Generation Computers (1970s-Present):** Microprocessors and personal computers became mainstream. The development of GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces) like the Macintosh and Windows made computing more accessible.

8. **The Internet Era (Late 20th century-Now):** The internet revolutionized communication and data sharing. The World Wide Web, invented by Tim Berners-Lee, became accessible to the public, leading to the modern internet era.

9. **Mobile and Smartphone Era (2000s-Present):** The rise of mobile devices, especially smartphones, brought computing to the palms of people's hands. Mobile apps and mobile internet usage became dominant.

10. **Cloud Computing and Big Data Era (2000s-Present):** Cloud computing services like AWS and Azure transformed how businesses manage and store data. Big Data analytics and machine learning became central to various industries.

11. **AI and Automation Era (2010s-Present):** Advances in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation technologies have had a profound impact on industries ranging from healthcare to finance.

12. **IoT and Smart Devices Era (2010s-Present):** The Internet of Things (IoT) has connected everyday objects to the internet, leading to smart homes, wearable devices, and more interconnected systems.

13. **Quantum Computing and Emerging Technologies (Ongoing):** Quantum computing, nanotechnology, and other emerging technologies hold the promise of transforming computing once again, with the potential to solve complex problems more efficiently.

In summary, the history of computer concepts has seen a continuous evolution from mechanical devices to the current era of interconnected, smart, and highly advanced computing technologies that are shaping various aspects of our lives. Each era has built upon the innovations of the previous one, leading to the rapid progress and digital transformation we witness today.

Final answer:

The history of computer concepts started with large, expensive machines that utilized punch cards for data input. The invention of the microprocessor led to personal computers, and later the internet further revolutionized computing. Today, computers are an integral part of life, with cloud computing, virtualization, and machine learning being prevalent.


The history of computer concepts is significantly different compared to today's era of technology. Initially, computers were large, expensive devices that were primarily used by businesses and government organizations. They used punch cards for data input and output was done using printers. However, with the advent of the microprocessor in the 1970s, personal computers became a reality. This led to a transformation in the computer technology landscape, making computers more accessible to the public. Later, the invention of the internet and the World Wide Web revolutionized how computers are used. Today, computers have become an essential part of daily life. We use them in the form of smartphones, laptops, tablets, and more. There is an increasing trend towards cloud computing, virtualization, and the use of AI and machine learning in computing. This demonstrates how far we have progressed from the early days of computing to the current era of technology.

Learn more about Evolution of Computer Technology here:



Peter automates his email inbox such that his incoming mails are filtered with all junk mails sent directly to the spam folder. This saves him time as he does not have to sort through the mails to find his work-related mails. He also creates a group mailing list for his team that makes it easier for him to send mails to the entire team instead of including their email addresses individually. In this scenario, Peter is using information systems tools to ________.



Improve individual productivity


Improving individual productivity as to do with efficiency, achieving more within a shorter period of time. One of the ways to achieve this is by using Information system tools. Information system tools supports processes, operations and intelligence which will help a worker to do more quality work spending lesser time, as well as reduce spending time on unnecessary tasks.


Improve personal productivity/ performance.


Information system is an organised medium of communication within a network of individuals. Information system technology uses technology to improve communication between users or people. It is structurally and functionally describes the use of computer networking in social and business interaction.

Peter can automatically filter spam emails and communicate with a group of people easily, to save time and improve in his digital literacy skills.

The best grounding method when arc welding is to connect the welding machine grounding cable to


the material you are welding other wise an arc will not be created 


What it is you are welding


If vertical welding, place above weld as a general rule.

Clean the metal you place the clamp on.

When connecting clamp, most machines work better when the cable is facing up unless stated otherwise.

Never ground on a stool in which you intend to sit.

Ground as close to the weld as possible.

Never put stinger on the ground clamp.

Scarlett is unable to repay her loan on time due to some personal problems. she informs the financial institution and asks for some more time to repay the loan. however, the financial institution sends its agents to scarlett’s office. these agents insult her in public. which law has the financial institution violated?


ANSWER: Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)

EXPLANATION: The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is a law that limits and restricts the individual or entity who is involved in attempting of collection of debts even if it is on behalf of any individual or company. The law restricts means and methods on how the debtor can be contacted, when they can be contacted and how many times a day the debtor can be contacted. If FDCPA is violated, the debtor can file a suit against the debt collection company or individual within one year to collect attorney and damage fees.

Fair Debt Collection Act. it prevents abusive practices of debt collecting. sorry it took a while to answer. 

Who is commonly credited with the creation of the world wide web (www)? ray tomlinson vint cerf tim berners-lee bill gates


The answer would be Sir Tim Berners-Lee.

This provides an easy method for workers to use their computers.FAT



The GUI.





GUI stands for Graphical User Interface

Behind the scenes, your computer is just working with a lot of 1s and 0s, and that wouldn't be very easy for us to operate.

The GUI means we can interact with our computer in a way that is easy for us to understand as humans. With the GUI every move of the mouse, click, key press (and so on) sends a command to the machine in a language that it understands, and shows us the result on screen in a way that we can understand. :) This cuts out a lot of work and means more people can use the technology we've developed without having to learn complicated commands to use our computers.