True or false? The Felony Murder rules states if you kill someone, even without intent, while in the commission of a felony, you could be executed.


Answer 1


i'm pretty sure it's true because they consider it murder anyways.


Answer 2
Answer: the answer would be true.

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If the criminal courts stopped using alternative methods of conflict resolution and began instead to use the formal criminal procedure for all types of crime or minor misdemeanor, what would happen would be a complete saturation of the judicial, prison and police systems in a short period of time.

Thus, if for each minor crime such as a traffic violation or a default on a loan, the appropriate judicial processes to prosecute an accused were activated, each of these situations would require the mobilization of judicial resources that today are reserved for crimes larger, such as robberies, murders, etc. Therefore, there would be a saturation of the judicial system, an increase in sentences that in turn would saturate the prison system and an increase in the duration of the trials, given the complete saturation of the courts.

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b, views of the people on issues of public interest.
c, views of parents on their child's performance.


A Public opinion would be

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A. Uneven wear and additional avoidable replacement of tires

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If the mother has full custody and the son doesn't want to leave dad, can he be forced?


I believe if the are underange he may be forced unless certain situations things like joint custody might come into play. joint physical custody is where a court orders a child to spend a substantial amount of time with both parents during the course of the year. Second, joint legal custody is where, although one parent may have full physical custody, both parents must agree on any decisions that impact the child, such as their education, medical care and spiritual matters. Lastly, both joint physical and legal custody is a combination of the first two. IT IS ULTIMATELY up to the court to decide whether any type of joint custody is in the best interests of a child. If not, the parent with primary custodial rights over a child will get to decide what kind of visitation for the other parent is fair and reasonable. In many situations, this works out well for both parents and they can often come to an amicable arrangement regarding visitation hours and days.

Quick! You’re looking for a part-time job, you walk into a local business, and they’ve got a big “HELP WANTED” sign. The manager greets you and asks, “Interested in work?” What do you say to convince her to hire you, right there on the spot?



You will say yes and tell her how interested you are in the job and tell her how you can be a part of the productivity of the business....Everybody wants their business to be successful so if you can tell the person how you can improve the productivity of the business and how yiu are capable for the job then the person will hire you right away.

11. Summarize the analysis of hair evidence. *
Enter your answer



By determining the chemical composition of the hair or removing DNA from the hair follicle, the hair can be analysed. By using a microscope or by actually measuring two or more hairs to each other, hair may also be examined.
