Based on their names, you know the that baboons Papio annubis and papio cynocephalus do not belong to the sameA.class


Answer 1
Answer: Based on their names, you know the that baboons Papio annubis and papio cynocephalus do not belong to the same species. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the fourth option or option "D". I hope that this is the answer that has come to your desired help.
Answer 2

Papio Cynocephalus and baboons Papio Anubis belong to the same family, genus and class. But both of them belong to different species.

Further Explanation:

The Papio Cynocephalus is also known as a yellow baboon. They belong to the family of the old world monkey. They have long legs with long arms and also consist of yellow-brown hair on their bodies. The species of Papio Cynocephalus is an epithet, which means the dog-head. In their family, females grow to approximately sixty centimeters and the males grow to approximately eight four centimeters.

In any plant and animal, the first letter of any scientific name describes the genus and second letter describe its species. The baboons Papio Anubis is also referred to as an olive baboon. They belong to the family of Cercopithecidae. Both Papio Cynocephalus and Papio Anubis belong to the identical genus, mainly know as Papio. But species of Papio Cynocephalus and Papio Anubis are different.

Learn more:

  1. Learn more about the effects of alcohol on brain
  2. Learn more about alcohol is an antidepressant drug
  3. Learn more about the effect of alcohol on body weight

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Biology

Topic: Classification of organisms


Papio, baboon, olive, yellow, epithet, species, genus, Anubis, Cynocephalus, dog-head, male, female, centimeters, approximately, scientific name, grow.

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Final answer:

Approximately 90 percent of the water you ingest is absorbed by the small intestine.


The small intestine absorbs about 90 percent of the water you ingest. Water absorption is driven by the concentration gradient of the water, which is higher in chyme than in epithelial cells. Thus, water moves down its concentration gradient from the chyme into cells. The remaining water is then absorbed in the colon.

Learn more about Water absorption in the small intestine here: