After reading "from deep survival" by Laurence Gonzalez, write an argument about what it takes to survive a life-threatening sure to cite evidence from Gonzales's ideas to support your claim.what is the prompt asking you to write about?

do you agree with Gonzales's central idea idea-his most important message about survival?.​


Answer 1

Answer:1. Humans notice patterns in the world, simulate potential consequences, and make predictions about what will happen next - constantly and automatically.

The human mind is essentially a prediction machine. Every moment of every day, your brain is collecting information about the world around you. Your mind’s Pattern Matching capability isolates the important parts, and your capacity for Mental Simulation helps you figure out what to expect.

Our pattern matching and mental simulation capabilities evolved to keep us alive. The better we’re able to predict what’s next, the better we’re able to stay safe and take advantage of opportunities.

2. When our mental models don’t accurately reflect reality, we can suddenly find ourselves in big trouble.

Your mind’s ability to predict what happens next is limited: it’s only as good as the accuracy of the information you have and the patterns stored in your memory. If a fact is wrong, or a pattern is not quite accurate, you can find yourself in dire straights very quickly.

In business, even markets that have been solid for decades can experience sudden and extreme difficulties. Publishing was a stable and profitable business for hundreds of years - until it wasn’t. Housing prices always went up - until they didn’t.

3. You must train yourself to see what’s really happening and changing around you without freezing or denying the truth of the situation.

When the Environment around you changes, your mental models must change along with it. Failing to update your patterns and predictions can lead you to make disastrous decisions.

Unfortunately, Threat Lockdown makes us prone to freeze when we face the unexpected. Gonzales calls the situations that trigger threat lockdown the “Four Poisons of the Mind": Fear, Confusion, Hesitation, Surprise.

4. Always have a backup / failsafe /contingency plan.

Since we’re not omniscient, unexpected situations will always arise - some very good, some very bad. You never know when or where something bad will affect you, so it pays to be as prepared as possible in advance.

Fail-Safes and backup plans are invaluable. Having resources in reserve or a retreat/regroup option at the ready helps cover you in the event of disaster.

Here’s the catch - your fail-safes and backups have to be prepared in advance. If your computer hard drive crashes, it’s too late to look into backups. A little planning and preparation now can save you a world of hurt later.

5. Sunk costs can kill you - know when to walk away.

Sometimes, it’s not worth pushing a project to completion. If you’re a day’s climb from summiting Everest and a killer storm blows in, you’re better off descending… and living to climb another day.

It’s important to realize how difficult these decisions can be in the moment - and be emotionally prepared to make them. Sunk Costs kill because we’re emotionally invested in the result we’re seeking, so we throw caution to the wind and push forward. That’s a recipe for disaster.

Define your success criteria in advance, and if something critical changes, be prepared to walk away.


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an outgoing, overtly expressive person.

Hi there!

Definition of extrovert: A friendly and or nice person who is respectful.

Hoped I helped. :)

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I am pretty sure it is C. Exposition because the scene is explaining background information on why the Captain was injured.

The answer could possibly be B though as the author seems to be starting the story with the injured captain as the climax...

Final answer:

The given passage is most closely tied to Exposition as it seems to provide background information without resolving any part of the plot or depicting any turning point.


The quoted text is a descriptive passage from a story, likely setting a scene or describing an incident that took place. It's not exactly straightforward to categorize it among the options provided, as those are typically parts of a plot structure (Rising Action, Climax, Exposition, and Resolution). However, considering that this text seems to be setting up a visual and giving important details without resolving any plot or depicting any turning point, it can be most closely tied to Exposition. Exposition typically reveals background information about a character, place, or event. This snippet seems to describe a scene involving a captain and a damaged ship, hence providing background details to the reader.

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c. her because she POSSESSES it
C, her is a possessive pronoun, and it is being use as an adjective

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The Answer is : A

a journal entry from a young bride traveling west


Please give Brainliest

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See this is enough for me to make a goal and reach there. I haven't give a see but let the thing to our future and strong fortune. But fortune always not with us so we should be brave and courageous. Hope you will chose college at first


Sorry? I couldnt really understand the question. Could you maybe try to explain it a bit more so we can help?
