Realizar un poema de tres estrofas que hable de cómo te sientes en épocas de pandemia, debes utilizar figuras literarias


Answer 1
Answer: Ahora ya sabemos que la vida es comer con un amigo en una terraza, ir de librerías, tomar el sol, ver una película en un cine, perderte por una calle desconocida, subir un tren.
Por eso, cuando la vida regrese, le pediremos menos cosas.
Y me acuerdo ahora de los restaurantes llenos, de las bodas, de las fiestas, de los viajes en autobús, en avión.

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Ayer nosotros ___________ 2.500 pesos.


Ahorramos Its the best anwser
Ayer nosotros  Ahorramos 2.500 pesos 
wich would mean 
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b.) metro
c.) bus
d.) bicicleta


The answer is actually D) Bicicleta. Bicicleta translates to bicycle.

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as an latino i would be glad to research

the cost of life

Salvador Renteria got up very early. He ran across the roof. Did not heat the boiler. He took off his boxers and the cold shower did him good. He scrubbed himself with the towel and returned to the room. Ana asked him from the bed if he was not going to have breakfast. Salvador said he would have a coffee over there. The woman had been in bed for two weeks and her brownish-brown face had thinned out. She asked Salvador if he hadn't had a message from the office and he put a cigarette between his lips and replied that they wanted her to sign herself. Ana sighed and said:

      "How do you want?"

      —I already told them that right now you couldn't, but you see how they are.

      "What did the doctor tell you?"

Select the best word or phrase to complete each sentence. 1. La doctora Salazar me recomienda un ____ de pies a cabeza. examen médico tobillo consultorio 2. El paciente tiene ____ y tos. Está muy enfermo. diente pastilla fiebre 3. Me pusieron una inyección y me recetaron ____. síntomas dolores antibióticos 4. Después del grave accidente, llevaron al pasajero a la ____. farmacia dentista sala de emergencia 5. El ____ le tomó la temperatura al paciente. enfermero corazón medicamento



Tried my best

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62% of Mexico's population is mixed Spanish and indigenous heritage, known as mestizo




edge 2020

1) ________(caminar, imperfect progressive) y me cai ?A) estoy caminando
B)estaba caminar
C)estaba caminando
D) estoy caminar

2) marcos_____(estudiar, imperfect progressive) cuando llegue a su casa?

A)estaba estudiando
B)estoy estudiando
D) estudio

3) ellos______(jugar, imperfect progressive) futbol cuando se lastimaron?

C)estaban jugando
D) estan jugando

4) which of the following is correct?
A) maria estaba cocinando cuando ella se cortaba
B)maria estaba cocinando cuando ella se corto
C)maria estuvo cocinando cuando ella se cortaba
D)maria estuvo cocinando cuando ella se corto

5)which of the following is correct?
A) me lastime el tobillo cuando estaba jugando futbol
B)me lastimo el tobillo cuando estaba jugando futbol
C)me lastime el tobillo cuando juego futbol
D)me lastimo el tobillo cuando estuve jugando futbol

6) what is the correct way to say "you were writing" in Spanish?
A) nos estabamos escribiendo
B) tu estabas escribiendo
C)se estaban escribiendo
D) estaba escribiendo

7) when should you use the imperfect progressive in Spanish?
A) to express any action in the past
B)to express completed actions in the past
C)to express an ongoing action in the past that is interrupted
D)to express an action that interrupts another action in the past

8) eugenia maria del pino worked with the charles darwim foundation to establish?
A) indigenous language classes for Ecuadorian students
B) a research area in the research station for ecuadorian students
C)a fund for endangered species in the galapagos
D)a program of scholarships for ecuadorian students

9) which of the following is a native species in the Galapagos islands?
A)indian mongoose
B)waved albatross
C)giant panda
D)salt water crocodile


1) Correct answer:

C) estaba caminando

The imperfect progressive is used when talking about what a person was doing.One of the main uses this tense is to talk about an action that was interrupted in the past. This tense is formed with the verb estar (conjugated in the imperfect) plus a verb in present participle. From the options, the one that fits the requirements is C) since estaba matches the subject pronoun yo in the imperfect. On the other hand, caminando is the present participle of the verb caminar. Finally:

Estaba caminando y me caí

2) Correct answer:

A) estaba estudiando

Since Marcos can be replaced by the subject pronoun él, that is, this sentence matches the third person singular, then we must conjugate the verb estar in the imperfect and matching this person as well. So the correct conjugation is estaba and the present participle of the verb estudiar is estudiando. Finally, the correct option is A)  and we can write:

Marcos estaba estudiando cuando llegué a su casa

3) Correct answer:

C) estaban jugando

Since ellos is the subject pronoun that matches the third person plural, we must we must conjugate the verb estar in the imperfect an matching this person as well. Thus, the correct conjugation is estaban and the present participle of the verb jugar is jugando. Finally, the correct option is C) and we can write:

Ellos estaban jugando futbol cuando se lastimaron

4) Correct answer:

B) María estaba cocinando cuando ella se cortó

Recall that we said above that it's common to use the imperfect progressive to talk about an action that was interrupted in the past. In this way, estaba cocinando matches the imperfect progressive because estaba stands for the third person singular in the imperfect and cocinando is the present participle of the verb cocinar. Therefore, we must choose a verb in the preterite tense to complete the sentence, which is cortó. We choose the preterite because this tense talks about actions that were completed at a certain moment in the past. Finally, the sentence means:

Maria was cooking when she cut herself

5) Correct answer:

A) me lastimé el tobillo cuando estaba jugando futbol

Let's explain why this is the correct option. First of all, me lastimé stands in reflexive form, that is, me is the reflexive pronoun for the first person singular and lastimé matches the first person singular in the preterite. We use a reflexive pronouns with a verb to point out that a person carries out an action to or for himself/herself. So this conjugation tells us that the sentence is given in the past. On the other hand, estaba jugando stands for the imperfect progressive. Finally, we can translate this sentence as follows:

I hurt my ankle when I was playing soccer

6) Correct answer:

B) tú estabas escribiendo

This sentence is given in the imperfect progressive and we know it because the part of the sentence estabas escribiendo. Thus, translates into you and estabas escribiendo means were writing because estabas matches the subject pronoun in the imperfect and escribiendo is the present participle of the verb escribir,

7) Correct answer:

C) to express an ongoing action in the past that is interrupted

As we said above, this is the main use of this tense. So this is formed by the imperfect form of the verb estar plus a present participle. Therefore, we can write this as the following formula:

Imperfect of the verb estar + present participle.

So the present participle tells us that an action is in fact an ongoing action.

8) Correct answer:

D) a program of scholarships for Ecuadorian students

Eugenia María del Pino was born in Quito, Ecuador, in 1945 and is a developmental biologist from the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador) and was the first Ecuadorian person chosen by the United States National Academy of Sciences. In this way, she helped in the establishment of a program of scholarships for Ecuadorian students for the Charles Darwin foundation in the Galapagos islands.

9) Correct answer:

B) waved albatross

The Galapagos Islands is an archipelago of volcanic island located in the Republic of Ecuador. In these islands there are a vast number of endemic species that also were studied by Charles Darwin. The waved albatross is a native species in the Galapagos islands and belongs to the class: aves. This bird has a white head and a gray body. Furthermore, the beak of this bird is yellow.

1).A).estoy caminando
A).estaba estudiando
C).estaban jugando
B).maria estaba cocinando cuando ella se corto
A). me lastime el tobillo cuando estaba jugando futbol
B). tu estabas escribiendo
D).to express an action that interrupts another action in the past
A). indigenous language classes for Ecuadorian students
9).C).giant panda