Different between mature writing and immature writing


Answer 1


Immature writing is longer than mature writing because of descriptions. Immature writing uses more descriptive phrases, but a simple vocabulary. Mature writing uses a broader vocabulary and more descriptive phrases. Mature writing is older than immature writing in terms of publication.


Answer 2


Mature and Immature writing


Mature writing has a broader vocabulary and sounds more professional than a Immature writer repeating the same words over and over again.

hope this helps!

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Final answer:

The principle 'Don't say or do anything online that you wouldn't say or do face to face' emphasizes treating others online with the same respect and consideration you would in person, such as avoiding insults or oversharing personal info. Online behaviors, like offline ones, can have lasting impacts.


The principle of 'Don't say or do anything online that you wouldn't say or do face to face' emphasizes the importance of respectful and considerate behavior on the internet, similar to how you would behave in real-life interactions. For instance, if you wouldn't insult someone's appearance or beliefs directly to their face, you shouldn't do it online no matter how anonymous you may be. Secondly, if you wouldn't share personal or sensitive information about yourself with strangers offline, the same discretion should be exercised online. The online environment can influence individuals to behave differently due to perceived anonymity and distance, but it's crucial to remember that statements and actions online, like offline, have real and lasting impacts.

Learn more about Online Behavior here:




The principle of ¨dont say or do anything online that you wouldnt do face to face" is basically saying you shouldnt say something to someone online just because youre hidden behind you screen, it could still be offensive and really damage someone´s self esteem and confidence. Another reason is that colleges can look back through your social media account and things that you have said online which helps determine their decision on whether or not they choose to accept you. In conclusion you should definitely think before you put something on the internet for all to see.  


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One major theme of volume 1 is the thirst for knowledge, which is shared by both Walton and Frankenstein. Another major theme is loneliness. Walton complains to his sister that he has no friends, and Frankenstein voluntarily isolates himself from his friends. The theme of dangerous knowledge is brought out in Frankenstein’s story. His warning to Walton about the danger of excessive ambition is a typical form of foreshadowing in gothic novels. Both Walton and Frankenstein share a desire to conquer nature, despite the dangers such a conquest might entail.



Which of the following statements does NOT describe Ambrose Bierce's style of writing in "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge"?A.Bierce manipulates chronological order to develop plot.B.Bierce uses setting to develop conflict.C.Bierce uses foreshadowing to allude to a surprise ending.D.Bierce uses flashbacks to help develop character.



B. Bierce uses setting to develop conflict.


The structure makes this story so commendable a bit of writing on account of how unbelievably each part is executed. Bierce gives perusers enough pieces of information to speculate what's going on: Farquhar felt time moderate down toward the finish of Part I; Part II gives us the backstory and clarifies exactly how he wound up being hanged in any case; and Part III contains enough intimations for us to comprehend that what's going on isn't exactly right. Farquhar sees subtleties and has encounters that no living individual could, but, as this area proceeds with (it is the longest of the three sections), we can get somewhat lost in the story. It's nearly just as the article presented in Part II joined with the detail and length of Part III isolates us enough from the certainties of Part I that we really start to trust that Farquhar could have gotten away. Therefore, it comes as something of a stun—in spite of the numerous signs we've had—when his neck snaps. We understand that the total of Part III, up until the last passage, occurred in Farquhar's mind, from the minute the sergeant ventured off the board and he started to fall until the minute the rope extended tight and his neck snapped. Bierce utilizes this structure to amaze us be that as it may, maybe, additionally to refine a gathering that is regularly criticized: Civil War-period Southerners.

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A.direct object
B.predicate adjective
C.indirect object
D.predicate nominative


predicate nominative

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