Can someone help me with this
Can someone help me with this - 1


Answer 1


A=39  B=147  C=937 Please vote Brainliest!


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"What does the effect of destiny mean?" Is an unfathomable question to me but I answered it as best as I could. What does the effect of destiny mean to you?

Destiny literally means the hidden power believed to control what will happen in the future; fate. Well, each of us have our own destiny whether we know it or not. "How is our destiny effecting us and the people around?" This is the first question that pops into my head when I try to answer "What does the effect of destiny mean?" and so many more. I don't believe there is a straight answer only questions that appear to further cloud the mind.

What does the effect of destiny mean to you?


destiny means hidden power that is inside of you.

Which of the following is NOT part of the definition of psychology?A) science
B) therapy
C) behavior
D) mental process


B) therapy because although there is psychological therapy psychology itself is the study of the brain not the therapy

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Dr. Jones discovers that the enamel on a new patient's anterior teeth is mottled and pitted, but the patient doesn't have any caries. Most likely, thedamage is the result of DENTAL FLUOROSIS.

In its dependence upon members to enforce human rights declarations, the United Nations most closely resembles thea. Soviet Union under Josef Stalin.
b. United States under the federal Constitution.
c. United States under the Articles of Confederation.
d. Japanese government before World War II.


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "c. United States under the Articles of Confederation." In its dependence upon members to enforce human rights declarations, the United Nations most closely resembles the United States under the Articles of Confederation.

Thad missed two payments on his credit card. According to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, what action can the bank legally take to get the money from Thad?


The bank can refer the debt to a collection agency to collect the payment from Thad in behalf of the bank. 

The collection agency can then file a lawsuit in a proper venue, to prompt Thad to pay for his debt.

The U.S. consumer market is large, but other markets may offer what advantage?


Hey there

There are many differences other markets; apart from the United States market have. Other markets may provide goods that are not selled by the Unites States. Example Canada sells oil etc.. The important thing is that they have other goods. 

better opportunities for growth

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