When a lake freezes, how does the density of water prevent all of the living organisms inthe lake from freezing as well?


Answer 1

All of the organisms go to the bottom of the lake, as surface tension causes the lake to only freeze partly because of the pressure.

How can organisms survive when a lake freezes over?

Beneath the frozen top layer, the water stays in its fluid form and does not freeze.

Furthermore, oxygen is entrapped under the layer of ice.

As a mark, organisms discover it possible to live comfortably in the frozen lakes.

Thus, All of the organisms go to the bottom of the lake.

To learn more about water density click here:



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Which of the following statements about adaptive radiation is correct? View Available Hint(s) Which of the following statements about adaptive radiation is correct? Adaptive radiation occurs within a single lineage. Adaptive radiation occurs in species that live in one habitat. Adaptive radiation occurs very slowly over time. Adaptive radiation occurs in the presence of competitors.



Adaptive radiation occurs within a single lineage


Adaptive radiation generally occurs when an organism enters a new area and different traits affect its survival. An adaptive radiation is a burst of evolution, creating several new species out of a single parent species, which simply means that adaptive radiation occurs when a single lineage produces many descendant species. Adaptive radiation is considered to be a rapid process, where adaptation from a recent common ancestor takes place in a short period of time (with respect to geological time, of course).

Final answer:

Adaptive Radiation refers to the process causing a rapid rate of speciation, within a single lineage, particularly when a single species invades various diverse environments. This process leads to multiple new species evolving from a single ancestral species. An established example illustrating this concept is Darwin's study of finches on the Galapagos Islands.


The correct statement about adaptive radiation is that it occurs within a single lineage. Adaptive radiation is a process that prompt multiple speciation events in a relatively short time, particularly when a single species invades different and diverse environments. Each of these invasions results in adaptational and evolutionary changes, leading to multiple new species originating from a single ancestral species.

For instance, Charles Darwin's study of finches on the Galapagos Islands is a classic example of adaptive radiation. The different beak shapes evolved over time in response to the different food sources available on the separate islands within the archipelago.

Learn more about Adaptive Radiation here:


What is meant by "nutrient limitation"?


The concept of limiting nutrients is essential to understand biological process.The nutrient in short supply relative to the others will be exhausted first and will thus limit cellular growth. 
The usual way of determining which nutrient is limiting is to increase the concentration of one nutrient. If there is no effect some other nutrient is limiting.

Final answer:

Nutrient limitation signifies the slowdown or halt in an organism's growth due to insufficient supply of specific nutrients they need. It's a fundamental principle in ecology observable in both terrestrial and marine ecosystems. The nutrient that is in short supply typically becomes the limiting factor in organism's growth.


Nutrient limitation refers to the reduction or stoppage of an organism's growth due to a lack of a certain nutrient. This concept primarily comes into play in the world of ecology, where it is observed in ecosystems across the world.

For example, in soil ecosystems, plant growth might be limited by a lack of nitrogen or phosphorous. These are essential elements for the creation of proteins and DNA, and without a sufficient supply of them, plants cannot grow properly. By understanding the principle of nutrient limitation, ecologists can predict which nutrient elements would limit the productivity of an ecosystem under various conditions.

The same principle is also applicable in aquatic ecosystems, where nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous, and silica can often limit the growth of marine life, leading to nutrient limitation.

Learn more about Nutrient Limitation here:



Which level of organization includes all the other levels of organization? organ system organism tissue cell


The correct answer is Organism. Organisms are made out of numerous organ systems that work together and these systems are made out of various organs. Organs are made out of tissues of all kinds, while tissues are made out of various cells that each serve their function. It is like clock and everything works perfectly unless something breaks.

The level of organization that includes all the other levels of organization is the organism level.

Further Explanation:

The human body is organized at different levels, beginning with the cell followed by tissue, organ, organ system and finally the complete organism. With every upgrade of level, the complexness will increase.

The lowest level of organization is the cell. Cell is the structural and practical unit of life. The complexness of a cell is the least as compared to the other levels of organization. A cell generally consists of flexible membranes that enclose protoplasm, a water-based cellular fluid beside a range of small functioning units referred to as organelles.

A group of cells with similar structure performing a function represent the tissue. A tissue has a lot of complexness than a cell and contains a specific function additionally.

A group of 2 or a lot of kinds of tissue with similar structure and performance makes up an organ. The complexness and functionality upgrades within the organ as compared to the tissue. Every organ performs one or a lot of specific physiological functions.A cluster of organs that work along to perform major functions or meet physiological needs of the body maybe called as the organ system.

Finally, a bunch or organs playing similar functions form up the organ system followed by several organ systems together creating up a complete operating organism. The highest level of organization is the organism level. an organism may be a living being that contains a cellular structure which will severally perform all physiological functions necessary forever.  

So, organism is the level of organization that features all the other levels of organization.

Learn more:

1. Learn more about cells brainly.com/question/1579016

2. Learn more about eukaryotic cells brainly.com/question/4493579

3. Learn more about cellular respiration brainly.com/question/543244

Answer Details:  

Grade: Middle School

Subject: Biology

Chapter: Introduction to Human Body.


Cells, tissues, organs, organ system, organism, function, complexity, group of cells, physiologic functions, functionality, cytoplasm, organelles.

Which of the following is not a good polling technique? A. asking clear questions B. using a push poll C. using a large sample D. using a random sample


Question is which is NOT a good technique.
Answer is "B" and here's why:

A) Clear questions -- good. People understanding the question will answer accurately.
C) Large sample size -- good. Answers will be more accurate with more people asked (like if you flip a coin 1,000 times its going to be closer to 50% heads than if you only flipped it twice)
D) Random sample -- good. Avoids your own bias in choosing who to ask.

B) Push poll -- bad. Pretends to be unbiased, the pollster's real objective is to get a person thinking in a way that is to their advantage. Some political candidates do this just before elections.