A developed country has a highstandard of living and a strong
A. ruler
B. dictator
C. economy


Answer 1




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Apart from the previous Red Scare that happened prior to World War II, the second wave of communist fear came when the Russians tested their version of the atomic bomb and Mao Zedong conquering China.  Other developments that fueled this fear was the Korean War where the Communist North invaded South Korea and the conviction of State Official Alger Hiss of perjury and espionage and the arrest of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg for espionage. This gave rise to the McCarthy era where many Americans were arrested on suspicion of being communist spies or sympathizers.

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On April 15, 1912 sanked beneath the North Atlantic waves, witch took 1,517 women, men and children to the bottom of the ocean with her, including some of the most famous names of all times .

 - Hope this helped have a nice day :))

8)The direct election of U.S. Senators, women's suffrage, and greater government regulation of large industries were all issues of importance in the early 1900s to theA)Democrats.Eliminate


All these social claims and issues were important to the Progressives, option D. This political view supports the reforms based on social inclusion, science, and technology. All progressive policies aim to bring positive changes and to merge Liberal and Conservative political stands with science, therefore they are also called Centrism or Third Way.

D) Progressives.

The 1920s saw the rise of the Progressive era in the history of the United States and ushered in a plethora of reform and social activism relating to the inclusion of women within the democratic political framework of the United States. Solutions to problems caused by urbanization, immigration, industrialization, and political corruption were formulated during this period, targeting corruption within the governmental institutions. The Progressives sought to establish a truly democratic system, by making election procedures transparent. They also addressed potential issues such as pollution, regulation of monopolies, promoting equal competition in the market economy.

Further Explanation:

The Progressive-era sought to reform not only the political and economic aspects of the United States but also in the social lives of U.S. Citizens. A movement was launched against alcoholism, which was the base for extortion for corrupt politicians and illegal gangster activities. The Progressivists sought to bring out the voice of the American women, by raising the question of ‘women suffrage’ and granting them equal voting rights as that of their male counterparts. There were reforms to be introduced in the industrial sector, to ensure better efficiency and was to be achieved by the employment of technological advancement. Reforms were introduced in every aspect of American life such as educational sectors, offices, corporate institutions, and the market economy. The improvement of the lives of the middle class emerged as the hallmark of the Progressive reforms. The established social hierarchy within American society began to change as feminist ideals emerged, encouraging more women to seek educational and job opportunities. Fuelled by their desire to move out of the domestic framework of their homes, divorces became rampant as Victorian ideals of the ‘ideal wife, shattered and the new ‘progressive woman’ emerged, as forerunners in the American society. The government also introduced market reforms to keep prices from rising and ensuring a healthy competitive market.  

Learn more:

1. What moderate reforms did European socialists support? check all that apply? brainly.com/question/4938056

2. How did the federal government use land grants in the west in the 1860s? brainly.com/question/1982881

Answer Details:

Grade: High School, Graduation.

Chapter: Progressive reforms and Liberalism in the United States in the 18th Century.

Subject: History.

Keywords: Progressive reforms, women suffrage, democratic institutions, healthy competition, control of monopoly, extortion, feminist ideals.

Banks channel money from savers to borrowers to


Banks channel money from savers to borrowers in order to make money off of the "interest" that is charged by the bank to the person or firm taking out a loan. A portion of this interest is also paid to the original "saver". 



The "chesapeake affair" referred to which controversial practice?


What are the options??

the French process of forcing Americans into French army the British method of forcing Americans into British Naval service the British practice of force French prisoners into the British army the imprisonment of British naval officers by the US Military