When you are searching for information on the Internet, your search always results in wiki pages. Is there any information you can use for your research on such pages?A.
Yes, it is always the easiest information to understand on a topic.
No, wiki pages have more than one author.
Yes, the list of resources at the end of the page may provide research possibilities.
No, wiki pages contain inaccurate information.

You have researched how to become an American citizen. The first web site has great information. What do you need to do next?
copy and paste the information to a separate sheet, then begin writing the research paper
email the author or webmaster to ask permission to use the information
check other web sites to verify the accuracy of the information
decide not use the information because, even though it has a .gov domain, it does not list an author

What does it mean if you see ".cn" as a top level domain?
The information on this site is written in Chinese.
The information on this site originates from China.
The information on this site is about the country of China.
The information on this site is "checked nightly."

A search engine is giving you too many sites that are not relevant to your topic, how cell phones change culture. Placing quotes around "cell phones change culture" gave only five results. What can you try next?
change your key words
use an advanced search
use a search directory
all of the above


Answer 1


C. Yes, the list of resources at the end of the page may provide research possibilities


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Federation is the name of a sovereign state formed by several states with autonomy of government and administration. When these entities come together through a constitution, the federation is formed, as is the case with the United States. Thus, in the Federation regime states form a central government to represent them as a federative unit in matters common to all states, such as international representation.

Confederation is similar to federation, but differs in the fact that the confederation entities are sovereign and their formation is made by alliances while in federation this is by constitution. Confederation, therefore, is a union of states created through treaties. One of the main characteristics and differences between a confederation and a federation is that in the former it does not neglect the constituent states while in the latter the authority is transferred to the federal state.

In a federation, the central government and the smaller states or municipalities work in agreement but are separate from one another. The powers of the central government and the states are typically enumerated in some type of document, such as a constitution. Conversely, a confederation is basically an alliance between states or nations that agree to work together toward common interests but still retain their individual powers of governance.The United States utilizes a federal system. The federal government is granted specific powers by the U.S. Constitution, and any powers not granted to the federal government within the Constitution are granted to the states. The states retain some level of independence but are still subject to the governance of the federal government. However, if the United States operated as a confederation, the situation would be reversed. Each state would have the power to override federal power as it saw fit.

Two characteristics of agrarian societies were _____.


♥Rapid technological advances 
♥More rapid spread of disease
More leisure time because they were not constantly on the move and hunting for food and shelter, and a more disease as now people were coming in closer contact with each other in denser population centers. 

Which Union ship took part in the first naval battle between ironclads when it fought the Confederate vessel Virginia in March 1862? A. Hartford B. Monitor C. Merrimack D. Hunley


During the 1862 Battle of Hampton Roads, the CSS Virginia took part in the first naval battle between ironclads when it fought the Union ship, the B. Monitor. In fact, the CSS Virginia was built of the remnants of the Merrimack which is why the battle is also known and the Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack.


Its the Monitor


i took the test

How did economic opportunity divide urban and rural dwellers?


Economic opportunity divides urban and rural dwellers. Traditionally and historically, there are greater economic opportunities in urban areas. In urban areas, more people are concentrated in a smaller space, resulting in a need for a greater number of shops where these people can buy the goods they require. There is also a greater need for adequate transport systems. Wide enough roads need to be built to accommodate a greater number of cars and busses. This creates jobs for people as the roads need to be built and maintained.  

From your analysis of the cartoon, you can determine that the illustratora. supports religious freedom for all in the State of Israel
b. believes that military force is necessary to maintain stability
c. views Americans and Israelis as violent toward Palestinians
d. believes that the Gaza Wall should be torn down immediately


Assuming that this is referring to the same list of options that was posted before with this question, you can determine that the illustrator "a. supports religious freedom for all in the State of Israel" since both are side by side. 

im not sure which one it is but its NOT a. i just took the test