What does command mean


Answer 1


TechnologyCommand Data Solutions specializes in empowering your data and content with a high degree of quality and scope. Intelligent data fine-tunes your advertising, and enables your core sales team to work within relevant market zones. This saves a lot of valuable time and increases ROI.


Answer 2


Technology Command Data Solutions specializes in empowering your data and content with a high degree of quality and scope. Intelligent data fine-tunes your advertising, and enables your core sales team to work within relevant market zones. This saves a lot of valuable time and increases ROI. We do this with a multi-faceted approach using cutting edge technologies. We also market your content through various channels such as telemarketing and e-mail campaigns, as well as syndication. We further engage your customers through blogs, webinars and webcasts. We closely study your customers’ requirements and arrange meetings when the time is right. This ground work frees up your sales force to focus on its strength: hard core sales. We cleanse your existing database and remove irrelevant data. We enrich it with new, more relevant contact information. We monitor your existing and potential customer profiles and track their technology needs. The moment we sense purchase behavior, you get an instant update.

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According to the work of the Curies, which action would increase the radioactivity of polonium?a. Dissolve the polonium in a solvent.
b. Heat the polonium until it becomes a gas.
c. Expose the polonium sample to light.
d. Increase the amount of polonium.



Increase the amount of Polonium


  • Pierre and Marie Curies are known for their work in the study of radioactivity that led to the discoveries of new radioactive elements radium and polonium. Polonium was named after Marie's home country, Poland.
  • Polonium is a rare natural element, it may be found in uranium ores which is uneconomical to extract. Therefore, it is obtained from the bombarding of bismuth-209 with neutron to get bismuth-210, which then undergoes radioactive decay to form Polonium.
  • According to Curies increasing the amount of polonium would increase the radioactivity of Polonium element. Polonium undergoes alpha decay to emit alpha particle and is therefore used as a source of alpha particles.
Of Course D) Increase the amount of Polonium.
You want "Increase" the Radioactivity, And since Polonium is himself radioactive, you need to increase its amount.

Hope this Helps :)

What is scientific method?


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What is the molarity of a solution that contains 0.50 mole of Naoh in 0.5p liter of solution


The concentration pertains to the molarity of the solution with an equation of mol of solution per liter of solvent.  

M (molarity) = moles of solute/L of solvent

M (molarity) = 0.5 mol NaOH / 0.5 L

M (molarity) = 1 M NaOH

A solution of salt (molar mass 90 g mol-1) in water has a density of 1.29 g/mL. The concentration of the salt is 35% by mass.a. Calculate the molality of the solution.

b. Calculate the molarity of the solution.

c. Calculate the mole fraction of the salt in the solution.


The molarity of the solution is 5.018 mol/L and molality of the solution 5.9846 mol/kg.


Assume 100 g of solution the salt concentration- 35 % and water will be 65 %.    


mass of salt = 35 g  

mass of water = 65 g  

Number of moles,  

\bold {moles = \frac {mass} { molar\ mass}}


moles of salt = 35 g / 90 (g/mol) = 0.389 mole  

moles of water = 65 / 18 = 3.6111 mole  


Volume of solution,

\bold {volume  =\frac { mass  } {density }}  

volume = 100 g / ( 1.29 g/ml)  

volume of solution = 77.52 ml = 0.07752 L  



\bold {Molality = \frac {moles\ of \salt} { mass\ of\ water (kg)}}  

molality = 0.389 mol / 0.065 kg  

molality = 5.9846 mol/kg  


molarity = moles of salt / volume of solution (L)

molarity = 0.389 mol / 0.07752 L  

molarity = 5.018 mol/L  


 mole fraction of salt = moles of salt / total moles  

mole fraction of salt = 0.389 mol / ( 0.389 + 3.6111)  

mole fraction of salt = 0.09725

To know more about Molarity,



a) 5.9846 mol/kg

b) 5.018 mol/L



consider 100 g of solution


since the salt is 35 % , water will be 65 %


mass of salt = 35 g

mass of water = 65 g

we know that

moles = mass / molar mass


moles of salt = 35 g / 90 (g/mol) = 0.389 mol

moles of water = 65 / 18 = 3.6111 mol


volume of solution = mass of solution / density of solution

volume of solution = 100 g / ( 1.29 g/ml)

volume of solution = 77.52 ml

volume of solution = 0.07752 L

a)molality = moles of salt / mass of water (kg)

molality = 0.389 mol / 0.065 kg

molality = 5.9846 mol/kg


molarity = moles of salt / volume of solution (L)

molarity = 0.389 mol / 0.07752 L

molarity = 5.018 mol/L



total moles in the solution = moles of salt + moles of water

total moles in the solution = 0.389 + 3.6111

total moles in the solution = 4 mol


mole fraction of salt = moles of salt / total moles

mole fraction of salt = 0.389 mol / 4 mol

mole fraction of salt = 0.09725

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<HTML><META HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html;charset=utf-8"> <p class="answer-detail Fw-n" id="yui_3_17_2_3_1463589225479_1149"><SPAN class="ya-q-full-text" id="yui_3_17_2_3_1463589225479_1148" itemprop="text">K = 273.15 + C <BR><BR>K = 172 so substitute <BR><BR> 172 = 273.15 + C <BR><BR> C = 172 - 273.15 = -101.15</SPAN> </DIV>