What skills and tools do scientists use?


Answer 1


Scientist use the scientific method to test theories.


Answer 2

Final answer:

Scientists use a range of skills, primarily the scientific method, and tools, such as various lab equipment and technology, to conduct their research.


Scientists use a variety of skills and tools to conduct their research and investigations. The primary skill they possess is the scientific method, a systematic way of understanding the world around us, which involves observation, question formulation, hypothesis testing, data collection, data analysis and conclusion drawing.

As for tools, scientists use a range of laboratory equipment like microscopes and pipettes for biological research, telescopes for astronomical studies, spectrophotometers for chemical analysis, computers for data analysis, and more. Technology is greatly used in science as it aids in thorough and precise investigations.

Learn more about Scientific skills and tools here:



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Answer and Explanation:

It is worthy to be mentioned that the equilibrium in this reaction is dynamic equilibrium.

  1. In terms of concentration: the concentration of reactants (CH4) and products (C2H2 & H2) do not change and be constant at the equilibrium, that 2 moles of CH4 give one mole of C2H2 and 3 moles of H2.
  2. In terms of reactions that occur: the reactions that occur at the equilibrium are the forward and the reverse reaction. The forward reaction: 2CH4 → C2H2 + 3H2 and the reverse reaction: C2H2 + 3H2 → 2CH4.
  3. In terms of reaction rates: At equilibrium the rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of the reverse reaction.


In a chemical reaction equilibrium is in the state which reacts with both products and reactants.  Both reverse and forward are happening and both reaction rates forward and reverse are equal.  


This is what i put and i got it right.

do the relative proportions of elements in a given compound vary from sample to sample? please explain.



No, because it is an intensive quantity.


According to IUPAC, an intensive quantity is one whose magnitude is independent of the size of the system/sample, on the other hand an extensive quantity is one whose magnitude is additive for subsystems.

Exemples of intensive quantities: temperature, density, concentration.

Exemples of extensive quantities: mass, volume, energy.

No, every water molecule in the universe is two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. It doesn't matter where you collect it or how large or small the quantity is. They are all the same.

Help!! How many moles of CaCO3 are needed to get 2.35 moles of CaO? What would be my reasoning and evidence?



CaCO3 ===> CaO + O2


If you start with this equation, then the balance numbers (molar ratios) are

  • 1 for the CaCO3
  • 1 for the CaO
  • 1 for the O2

If you want 2.35 moles of CaO then you are going to have to start out with 2.35 moles of CaCO3

Final answer:

In the decomposition of calcium carbonate to form calcium oxide, there is a 1:1 mole ratio. Therefore, to get 2.35 moles of calcium oxide, 2.35 moles of calcium carbonate are required.


To answer this question, you need to consider stoichiometry, which is the study of the relationships or ratios between the amounts of products and reactants in chemical reactions. The balanced chemical equation for the thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) to form calcium oxide (CaO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) is:

CaCO3(s) → CaO(s) + CO2(g)

This equation tells us that 1 mole of CaCO3 will produce 1 mole of CaO. Therefore, if we need 2.35 moles of CaO, we would need 2.35 moles of CaCO3 because of the 1:1 mole ratio in the chemical reaction.

Learn more about Stoichiometry here:



Write a balanced equation for double replacement of KOH+ZnCl2


Answer :

Double replacement reaction : It is a type of reaction in which a positive cation and a negative anion of the reactants react to give a new compound as  a product.

AB+CD\rightarrow AD+CB

In this, A and C are the cations and B and D are the anions.

When one mole of potassium hydroxide react with the one mole of zinc chloride to give one mole of zinc hydroxide and 2 moles of potassium chloride.

The balanced chemical reaction is,

KOH+ZnCl_2\rightarrow Zn(OH)_2+2KCl

How do atoms form a new substance?(a) by gaining electrons from each other
(b) by sharing electrons with each other
(c) by losing neutrons to each other
(d) by losing electrons


             Atoms combine as the electrons from each atom are attracted to the nuclei of the atoms. This results in bonds ranging from 100% covalent to bonds with high ionic character. The combination of atoms to form compounds occurs when the compounds being formed are at lower energy than the original atoms.




What is mostly commonly found element in the Earth's crust??​



The most commonly found element in the earth's crust is Oxygen.


The atomic umber of Oxygen is 8.The electronic configuration of oxygen is 2,6.It belongs to the chalcogen family in the periodic table.It is a strong oxidizing agent and highly reactive non-metal.The amount of oxygen present in the earth's crust is 46.6%.The oxygen exists in two forms ,they are O_{2(oxygen) and O_(3)(ozone).The major compound of it exists in the form of silicate minerals where it combines with other minerals.It also exists i the compound as carbonates and phosphates. Oxygen with acetylene is used to cut and weld the metals.In the medical field,Oxygen is used to ease the respiratory disease and it is also used to manufacture the the explosives.




the earth is mostly contained of water