When do images or graphics in Microsoft Word hurt the document rather than help


Answer 1

Images or graphics have two key qualities which can impact the nature of the overall presentation or document they form part of:

  • Size and
  • Quality

The size of an image or graphics can be in terms of area (measurable in inches or centimeters) or pixels.

In either case, you don't want to have an image so large it takes up all the space on the page with little or no space for text and other items. This can hurt the document.

When documents have images with very large pixels, the overall size (in bytes) of the image becomes very large and sometimes difficult to open, upload, and transfer (subject to the speed or computing power of the computer being used to process it).

One feature of Microsoft Word which helps to optimize images is the Image Compression Tool.

For more about Microsoft Word and images, please see the following link:


Answer 2


When images or graphics excessively occupy most of the space on the page.


For example, if you observed the attached image you'll see a bad example in which the image excessively occupies most of the space on the page making the written text difficult to read.

Next, a good example of proper editing is found in the next image, which shows the written text properly aligned with the text.

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Availability Goal


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Non repudiation.


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c. Transforming raw data inputs into new or modified information


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Answer: i think its e. transforming the system design into a working computer system

Explanation:Programming is the process of taking an algorithm and encoding it into a notation, a programming language, so that it can be executed by a computer.