Is the grammar correct in the following sentences? :))10. Seine guten Freunde wurden gerufen Mogens Glistrup und Mads Clausen.
11. Meine Großmutter kommt aus Finnland.
12. Ihr Bruder kämpfte in der zweiten Weltkrieg.
13. Meine Cousine und ich schreiben ein Buch zusammen. .
14. Ihre Zeichnungen für das Buch sind ziemlich.
15. Unser Buch handelt von der Jugend.
16. Mein anderer Cousin lebt in Kopenhagen.
17. Er lebt mit seiner Frau und seinen beiden Kindern zusammen.


Answer 1
Answer: Ich denke, aber ich bin nicht sicher
Answer 2
Answer: 12. Ihr Bruder kämpfte im zweiten Weltkrieg

14. Ihre Zeichnungen für das Buch sind ziemlich gut

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Answer:1. "Trabajo en el primer piso" means "I work on the first floor."

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A) True.


Yes, your statement is correct. In German grammar, predicate adjectives do not change their form regardless of the noun they refer to. On the other hand, attributive adjectives, which come before a noun, do change their endings depending on the gender, number, and case of the noun they refer to.

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reduce Turkish power

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To say comic book in german you would say "Comic-Buch"
Comic book is German is Comic-Buch.

I would recommend using Google translate for finding out how to say different things in German, or any other language. It is almost instant, just remember to translate it back to English to make sure you have the correct translation.

Hope this helped

PLS!!!!!HELP!!!!!!! ASAP!!!! I ONLY!!!!!! HAVE AN HOUR!!!!! TO FINISH THIS!!!!!!!! GERMAN!!!!!!!Write five sentences IN GERMAN telling things you don't do very often. Use KEIN for at least one of your sentences. DON"T use either of the verbs in the examples for your sentences.

Example 1: Ich trinke nicht oft.
Example 2: Ich esse keinen Fisch.

You will be graded on (a) Vocabulary usage (b) Correct placement of nicht/kein, and (c) Overall quality of your written response.



This might now be helpful but on Brainly you can switch your country’s that you’re in. Switch to Germany and then ask your question. I did that and got help immediately with people who speak German

Which is a factor that affects the size of mineral crystals formed in magma?


The rate at which the magma cools affects the size of the crystals that form. If it cools slowly, large crystals will form. If it cools rapidly, small crystals will form.
if it takes the rock a long time to cool down the crystals will be bigger if the rock takes a short time to cool the crystals will be smaller

a.the rate of cooling