Proper nutrition and avoiding drugs and tobacco are two components of physical health.True or false


Answer 1


it is true


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would it be aristocrat? what are your options


They held the highest public offices.


Hope that helped.

Help me plz need help plz





An ethnic group or ethnicity is a grouping of people who identify with each other on the basis of shared attributes that distinguish them from other groups.

Step 1: Write a one paragraph editorial that supports imperialism in China. Remember, you are writing from the perspective of citizen of a European imperialist nation. Use the information you learned in the lesson on how
colonization benefited imperialist nations to support your claims with evidence.

Step 2: Write a one paragraph editorial that rejects imperialism in China.
Consider the claims made in your first editorial supporting imperialism and use evidence from the lesson to counter them.

Both editorials must:

be at least one paragraph with at least six sentences, including introduction and conclusion sentences
express one side of the issue (support or against)
use specific examples from the lesson for support


On the other hand, I reject imperialism in China. European nations are competing against each other to colonize and control less developed parts of the world, therefore I disagree of the idea of China colonizing. This a race to control more land than another country so why support another country entering this “race” making it more difficult  to get ahead. If China was to colonize, their status and pride would boost, increasing their power as a nation altogether. This would not be good for other European nations and no good can come out of this. China mustn’t colonize or adapt to imperialism. 

In an increasingly interconnected world, the adoption of imperialistic policies could bolster China's economy, enhance its global influence, and promote stability within its borders.

What is imperialism about?

By expanding its sphere of influence and engaging in strategic alliances, China can tap into new markets, secure vital resources, and drive economic growth, all while projecting its values and safeguarding its national interests.

A well-managed imperialistic approach can serve as a catalyst for progress, promoting cultural exchange, technological advancements, and social development. Though the concept is not without its challenges, a pragmatic analysis reveals that embracing imperialism may offer China an avenue to secure its future prosperity and secure its place on the global stage.

Learn more about imperialism


Which soil sample has a soil texture that is high in sand?Sample A
Sample B
Sample C
Sample D



Sample C

That's the correct answer. Have a nice day :)

Answer:  Sample C


i took the test.

During the French and Indian War, France and Great Britain fought for control of North American territory. What impact did the end of the war have on the American colonies?During the French and Indian war France and Great Britain fought for Control of North American territory. What was one of the effects of the war on American colonist



Great Britain imposed new taxes on the colonists to pay its war debts.

Answer: The French and Indian War began in 1754 and ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1763. The war provided Great Britain enormous territorial gains in North America, but disputes over subsequent frontier policy and paying the war's expenses led to colonial discontent, and ultimately to the American Revolution.


When the United States’ use of military force is successful in maintaining national security, the United States is able to


When the united states' use of military force is successful in maintaining national security, the United States is able to focus on improving the occupied countries,

The military did this in order to prevent the future threat from happening. So after they're successful in maintaining national security, they will try to fix the root of the problems while still maintaining the peace pact.
When the United States’ use of military force is successful in maintaining national security, the United States is able to remove themselves from the occupied countries, as the military power is hugely used to defend the territory. It can prevent and even end invasion, conquest, and subjugation.