Why do you think President Truman devoted the taft-Harley act?


Answer 1


President Truman and Robert Taft were on opposites of the Taft-Harley Act. Robert Taft opposed many of President Roosevelt’s actions to end the Great Depression. He felt some of the actions gave the government too much power over businesses. He was also concerned that laws like the Wagner Act, a pro-labor law, gave the workers too much power. There were many strikes after World War II.


Answer 2


President Harry S. Truman sympathized with workers and supported unions. He vetoed the Taft-Hartley bill, explaining that it abused the right of workers to unite and bargain with employers for fair wages and working conditions.


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Several reference to munich are made in the movie, what event are they referring to (you have to figure this out own your own)


In the movie "Thirteen Days," several references are made to Munich. Transcripts of the Executive Committee of the National Security Council (ExCom) show that the Munich analogy was used constantly by the government in their discussions regarding the Cuban Missile Crisis.

The analogy refers to the Munich Agreement of 1938, widely known as a failure in appeasement. This event had a particular meaning for Kennedy, as his father, Joseph Kennedy, had been Roosevelt's ambassador to Britain at the time of the conference.

I think the movie was “Thirteen Days”.  The officials in the movie were referring to the Munich Agreement where the Allies tried to appease Germany in the hopes of preventing the war.  The Cuban Missile Crisis was resolved through negotiations by both countries.

Philippe Petain was the French dictator that was forced to sign a treaty with Germany and ________.a. Britain
c. Norway
b. Italy
d. Poland


Philippe Petain was the French dictator that was forced to sign a treaty with Germany and "Italy," since Germany and Italy were allies during World War II. 



What does Joseph Touma mean when he says "We're looking for a trickle-up effect"? Do you think Bridge the Divide will be successful in achieving this goal? Why or why not?


Joseph Touma is one of the founders of the organization Bridge the Divide. This organization attempts to foster discussions between young Republicans and young Democrats. The founders believe that the political environment of the United States is too divided, and that by fostering these discussions, they might be able to help diminish such divisions. He argues that they want a "trickle-up effect," which means that they hope that such a change will first happen among citizens and individuals, and that the movement will eventually reach politicians at higher levels.

I believe that Bridge the Divide will be successful in achieving this goal. I think that most politicians act in a way that they believe is desired by their constituents. If politicians encourage division between political parties, it is often because citizens also have this polarized view. If citizens demand more moderation and dialogue, then politicians would most likely act in this way in order to gain more votes.

What percentage of Americans move each year? 5-10 15-20 10-15 20-25


Depending on the time period that you're referring to.
According to recent data that's conducted in 2013, about 13 % of Americans move each year, which mean the answer is 10 - 15. This percentage keep decreasing throughout the years.

The  percentage of Americans movin each year   is: 10-15%

How many amerticans move

On average, approximately 10-15% of Americans move each year. The rate of moving can fluctuate based on various factors such as economic conditions, job opportunities, housing markets, and personal circumstances.

The rate of migration or mobility in the United States can vary from year to year but, on average, about 10-15% of Americans move annually. This movement can include both interstate moves (between different states) and intrastate moves (within the same state).

Read more on migration here brainly.com/question/18259786


Which inventor raced against Nikola Tesla and others to devised the radio, a system of transmitters and receivers to send messages through the air without wires? A. Alexander Graham Bell B. Samuel Morse C. Thomas Edison D. Guglielmo Marconi


The right answer is "D. Guglielmo Marconi"

Marconi is considered the pioneer of radio transmission. In 1896, he went to England, after verifying that there was no interest in his experiences in Italy. In 1899, it succeeded in wireless transmission of Morse code through the Channel. Two years later, he got radio signals to New Zealand. From there, he made many basic discoveries in radio technique. In 1909, he received, with Karel Ferdinand Braun, the Nobel Prize in Physics. In 1929, in recognition of his work, he received the title of marquis from the king of Italy.

its Guglielmo Marconi

The position of italy during the war was to... PLEASE I NEED IT NOW


If it was the second world war - Italy was a signatory to the tripartite pact - with Germany and Japan - when they were known as the Axis powers. They surrendered to the allies and in 1943 when the Allies overran southern Italy following Operation Husky.
Eventually declared war on the Central Powers.