What was the guiding principle of rosevelts square deal


Answer 1


Roosevelt would treat Americans with fairness and respect.


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Throughout the 1760s and early 1770s, the North American colonists found themselves increasingly at odds with British imperial policies regarding taxation and frontier policy. When repeated protests failed to influence British policies, and instead resulted in the closing of the port of Boston and the declaration of martial law in Massachusetts, the colonial governments sent delegates to a Continental Congress to coordinate a colonial boycott of British goods. When fighting broke out between American colonists and British forces in Massachusetts, the Continental Congress worked with local groups, originally intended to enforce the boycott, to coordinate resistance against the British. British officials throughout the colonies increasingly found their authority challenged by informal local governments, although loyalist sentiment remained strong in some areas.

Despite these changes, colonial leaders hoped to reconcile with the British Government, and all but the most radical members of Congress were unwilling to declare independence. However, in late 1775, Benjamin Franklin, then a member of the Secret Committee of Correspondence, hinted to French agents and other European sympathizers that the colonies were increasingly leaning towards seeking independence. While perhaps true, Franklin also hoped to convince the French to supply the colonists with aid. Independence would be necessary, however, before French officials would consider the possibility of an alliance.

Throughout the winter of 1775–1776, the members of the Continental Congress came to view reconciliation with Britain as unlikely, and independence the only course of action available to them. When on December 22, 1775, the British Parliament prohibited trade with the colonies, Congress responded in April of 1776 by opening colonial ports—this was a major step towards severing ties with Britain. The colonists were aided by the January publication of Thomas Paine’s pamphlet Common Sense, which advocated the colonies’ independence and was widely distributed throughout the colonies. By February of 1776, colonial leaders were discussing the possibility of forming foreign alliances and began to draft the Model Treaty that would serve as a basis for the 1778 alliance with France. Leaders for the cause of independence wanted to make certain that they had sufficient congressional support before they would bring the issue to the vote. On June 7, 1776, Richard Henry Lee introduced a motion in Congress to declare independence. Other members of Congress were amenable but thought some colonies not quite ready. However, Congress did form a committee to draft a declaration of independence and assigned this duty to Thomas Jefferson.

Thomas Paine

Benjamin Franklin and John Adams reviewed Jefferson’s draft. They preserved its original form, but struck passages likely to meet with controversy or skepticism, most notably passages blaming King George III for the transatlantic slave trade and those blaming the British people rather than their government. The committee presented the final draft before Congress on June 28, 1776, and Congress adopted the final text of the Declaration of Independence on July 4.

The British Government did its best to dismiss the Declaration as a trivial document issued by disgruntled colonists. British officials commissioned propagandists to highlight the declaration’s flaws and to rebut the colonists’ complaints. The Declaration divided British domestic opposition, as some American sympathizers thought the Declaration had gone too far, but in British-ruled Ireland it had many supporters.

The Declaration’s most important diplomatic effect was to allow for recognition of the United States by friendly foreign governments. The Sultan of Morocco mentioned American ships in a consular document in 1777, but Congress had to wait until the 1778 Treaty of Alliance with France for a formal recognition of U.S. independence. The Netherlands acknowledged U.S. independence in 1782. Although Spain joined the war against Great Britain in 1779, it did not recognize U.S. independence until the 1783 Treaty of Paris. Under the terms of the treaty, which ended the War of the American Revolution, Great Britain officially acknowledged the United States as a sovereign and independent nation.

Table of Contents

   1776–1783: Diplomacy and the American Revolution

   Continental Congress, 1774–1781

   Secret Committee of Correspondence/ Committee for Foreign Affairs, 1775–1777

   The Declaration of Independence, 1776

   The Model Treaty, 1776

   French Alliance, French Assistance, and European Diplomacy during the American Revolution, 1778–1782

   Benjamin Franklin: First American Diplomat, 1776–1785

   Articles of Confederation, 1777–1781

   Treaty of Paris, 1783

What is an illuminated manuscript?a.
text that is supplemented with decorated initials with miniature illustrations
writings that are displayed with lights to show off their beauty
manuscripts that were considered to be blessed by saints
all of the above


An illuminated manuscript basically means the text that is supplemented with decorated initials with miniature illustrations.

In other word, the text are derived from hand-written books with painted decoration that generally includes precious metals.

Therefore, the Option A is correct.

Read more about illuminated manuscript



A- text that is supplemented with decorated initials with miniature illustrations


Took the quiz got it right! thank me late :/

Why were these "Articles of confederation " effective for the Revolutionary war but disaster for peace time


The Articles of confederation was effective for the Revolutionary war because its allowed the Congress to do things like raise an army, be able to create laws, and print money.

Why is this different now?

Under the United state Constitution, the role of the congress changed a liitle bit unlike under the Articles of confederation.

Hence, in conclusion, the Articles was effective because its allowed the Congress to do things like raise an army, be able to create laws, and print money.

Read more about Articles of confederation



Order the following positions on the feudal pyramid:1. Knights
3. Serfs
4. Church


2. Lords
1. Knights
4. Church
3. Serfs

Short Answer Questions:Using the excerpt above, answer (a), (b), and (c)

a) Describe the conditions in America around 1840 that encouraged young women to seek employment outside of

their home.

b) List and explain three reasons Orestes Brownson used to oppose the employment of women as factory


c) Identify an argument from the "Lowell Offering" and explain how it countered the position of Orestes Brownson.


Answer :

Orestes Brownson was an intellectual writer from New England. He wrote many books on human labor and mainly focused on the social life and conditions of the American women.


a). Women in America could work in factories so that they can receive better wages or money which enables them to live a new dignified life and ideal life. They are able to receive good clothes, good houses and decent environment and conditions that encouraged them to work outside their homes. They were free form the domestic work and were independent.

b). The women got very little from the treatment and they die a tragic death. They die from harsh conditions and nobody marries them. To Orestes Brownson, this ruins or destroys the notion of virtuous girl.

c). It was very nice for the women of America and they got paid better wages. The women are also treated well and paid quite a bit. This contributed to the greater good to of the society and we should be happy about this.

Final answer:

The conditions in 1840 America encouraged women to work due to economic stress and industrialization. Brownson opposed this, citing health concerns, potential exposure to immorality, and disruption to gender norms. However, the 'Lowell Offering' countered by emphasizing women’s financial independence.


a) The conditions in America around 1840 that prompted young women to look for employment outside their homes included economic need, gradual industrialization, and the desire for personal and financial independence. Industrialization led to the rise of factories that needed a cheap source of labor, which was fulfilled by women and children. b) Orestes Brownson opposed the employment of women in factories, or as 'operatives', for three main reasons: health concerns, the fear of ungodly influences and the belief that it disrupted gender roles. He thought that the hard labor and long hours could damage a woman's health; that the factory environment could expose women to immoral influences; and that it broke traditional societal norms where the woman's place was in the home. c) An argument from the 'Lowell Offering' countered Brownson's position. One common theme was that working allowed women to gain financial independence and escape any potential poverty or dependence on men. This countered Brownson’s belief that women's work was destructive to societal norms.

Learn more about Women's Employment in 1840's America here:



Islamic slave traders in African slaves to blank during the period from the 900s to the 1400s




slamic slave traders sent African slaves to _______ during the period from the 900s to the 1400s. A. Mexico B. Northern Russia C. Southwest Asia D. South America

Islamic slave traders sent African slaves to Southwest Asia during the period from the 900s to the 1400s.