The three distinctive climate regions of France


Answer 1
Answer: Oceanic, continental, and Mediterranean. 

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This map displays the distribution of what ethnicity in the united states?




I'm sorry for any confusion, but you haven't provided any specific information or context about the map you're referring to. The distribution of ethnicities in the United States can vary widely depending on the source, time period, and specific map in question.

Ethnicity distribution maps in the United States often depict the geographic concentration of various ethnic or racial groups, such as African Americans, Hispanic or Latino populations, Asian Americans, Native Americans, or others. To accurately identify the ethnicity being represented on a particular map, you would need to provide additional details or descriptions about the map itself.

Final answer:

The map displays the distribution of ethnicities in the United States.


The map displays the distribution of ethnicities in the United States. It provides a visual representation of where different ethnic groups are concentrated across the country. This can include ethnicities such as African American, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, and more. The map helps us understand the diversity and multicultural nature of the United States.

Learn more about ethnicity distribution in the United States here:


Select the two factors that have the greatest influence on the state (solid or liquid) of each of Earth's layers.a. salinity
b. density
c. pressure
d. temperature



c. pressure

d. temperature


The Earth's layers all have different composition, and they all differ in the sense of being solid, or more liquid. There are two main factors that contribute to this, the pressure and the temperature. Both of these factors are able to change the condition of a material individually, but when they are combined than they have even greater influence. The crust is solid, and the main reason for that is that the pressure and temperature are relatively low. The mantle is consisted of molten rock because the temperature and pressure are higher. The outer core is liquid, as it has much higher pressure and temperatures even than the mantle. The inner core is the layer with the highest pressure and temperature, and they are so high that the material is actually solid because of it.

Answer:pressure and temperature


Which element is named after the seventh planet from the sun? A) Uranium B) Neptunium C) Plutonium D) Uranium


Uranium. Uranus is the 7th planet from the sun.

The ocean's "global conveyor belt" is _____. a deep ocean current a surface current a longshore current the Gulf Stream and North Atlantic Current


Thee correct answer is - a deep ocean current.

The ocean's global conveyor belt is represented with the movement of the water in the deep ocean currents. These deep currents of cold water never stop, and they move constantly across the globe. They are getting their properties in close proximity to the poles, and move the cold and rich in nutrients water from the Arctic and Antarctic Circles towards the low latitudes. The conveyor belt is very important in the climate patters on the planet, but it is also crucial for the existence of the marine ecosystems.

The ocean's "global conveyor belt" is a deep ocean current.

4. The rise of China's naval power under Admiral Cheng-Ho occurred during the _______ dynasty. A. Qin B. Ming C. Tang D. Zhou


The rise of China's naval power under Admiral Cheng-Ho occurred during the b) Ming dynasty. 
the correct answer is B.ming

What is a disk of matter that circles a planet and consists of numerous particles in orbit that range in size from a few millimeters to several hundred meters?


I would imagine it would be a ring. Look closely at the rings of Saturn and you'd see that it's made up of small particles made of ice and rocky matter.

Final answer:

A circumstellar disk is a disk of matter that orbits a planet and consists of various-sized particles. It is believed to be the birthplace of planets.


The disk of matter that circles a planet and consists of numerous particles in orbit that range in size from a few millimeters to several hundred meters is called a circumstellar disk. Circumstellar disks are commonly found around young stars and are believed to be the birthplace of planets. These disks are made up of gas and dust, and as the material cools, it starts to coalesce and form smaller objects known as planetesimals, which are the precursors to planets.

Learn more about circumstellar disk here: