What was the main reason that the birth rate in America declined during the great depression


Answer 1
Answer: During the depression, money and food and other necessities to life were running low. Parents could barely afford to keep themselves going. The fear of losing homes and jobs or even their own lives kept most adults from having children as they would be unable to afford a full family. Therefore the birth rate went down.
Answer 2
Answer: Parents were hesitant to have children because they couldn't afford them. Thus the birth rate went down.

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its not much but i hope this helps! :)

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We can feel your pain, friend, seriously.
We cannot begin to know how this affects your outlook for the future.
Your outlook must have been shifted somewhat.



We cannot begin to know how this affects your outlook for the future.


In order to set a serious tone, use of colloquial language must be avoided in all cases - unlike the first option, which contains expressions such as "whoa!".

Additionally, whenever the serious tone is set, it will be perceived as such by every participant in the conversation; it doesn't need to be explicitly announced, such as in the second option with the word "seriously".

Declaring an environment where no extreme emotions avail (and done so with certainty) is the correct way to set a serious tone, as done in the third option.

The answer would be C man:D