The owners of a shopping mall wanted to determine whether the more expensive Tough Stuff floor wax was better than the cheaper Steel Seal floor wax at protecting its floor tiles against scratches. Therefore, a section of the floor at one of the entrances has been designated to be used for this experiment.What is the independent variable and what is the dependent variable?


Answer 1


floor tiles is dependent

wax is the independent


floor tiles needs to depend on the wax to not get scratches

wax does not need to depend on anything

Answer 2

Final answer:

The type of floor wax (Tough Stuff or Steel Seal) is the independent variable, being manipulated for the experiment, while the level of protection against scratches is the dependent variable, being measured and compared.


In this experiment, the independent variable is the type of floor wax being used (either Tough Stuff or Steel Seal), as this is the factor that is being systematically manipulated to determine its effect on the outcome. The dependent variable is the level of protection the floor tiles have against scratches, which is what is being measured and compared between the different wax types.

The independent variable in this experiment is the type of floor wax being tested, with the two options being the more expensive Tough Stuff floor wax and the cheaper Steel Seal floor wax. The dependent variable is the level of protection provided by the floor wax against scratches on the floor tiles.

Learn more about Science Experiment Variables here:


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B. Knowledge and valuable resources are shared among scientists.
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B. Knowledge and valuable resources are shared among scientists.

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